Jan 03, 2011 02:17

“Kids!” Everyone’s attention focused on the leader who’s strolling in from the main door. “The concept of our fifth album is out.” With a serious look, everyone’s vision stays.

“About?” The maknae starts.

“Guess~!” The leader immediately wiped off his serious countenance and sent a wink with his tongue stuck out to Kyuhyun.

The maknae rolled his eyes and folded his arms.

“About guns.” A fresh voice disengaged the member’s attention to Leeteuk and made them his.

“Wha - ?!” Leeteuk gasped.

“Yah! Hands off my PC!”

“Wait, Kyuhyun. Look at this.” Heechul, who seized the gamer’s laptop, halted the angered and made him look into the screen.





“You ain’t starting from here, Kyu. Read the main points.” The latter started to get annoyed and scrolled up a little bit.


@chiyo_87 Rumours to be said that the concept would be about GUNZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ "ELFs turn into Masochist now!!"

“This is it.” Heechul snapped.

“This zuanchan is dangerous…” Leeteuk appears from their backs out of the sudden and all the other members gathered around Kyuhyun’s precious.

“Not.” Heechul grinned. “I’ve done research.” He sniffs. “Look at this.” He scrolled up once more.


@chiyo_87 Tumblr spreads news like wlildfireeeeeeeeeeeeee But my tumblog is pretty much dead. OTL

“She got the news from this ‘Tumblr’ thing. So the dangerous one is this ‘Tumblr’”

“Oh I know!” The unexpected one voiced out. “Nari tweeted about this before. On Sungmin’s birthday.”

“Right, I’ve also noticed that too.” Heechul stared at the screen and rubs his chin his thumb and index finger. “Maybe I should create an account for that.” He nods with self-approval. “Wait! I just found out another person who wrote about the concept too.”



“This is getting out of hand…” Eunhyuk stated.

“Hey! I see Eunhae!!” Donghae jumped up with glee.

“Yah!” Another member joined in. “So this is for real? Guns…”

“But guns are sinful…”


“Ryeowook, that doesn’t suits you.”

“Oh shut up.”

Not a single sane being knows who’s who, who’s speaking now. They were all bedazzled, or maybe not. At least they still can speak and gets high over it.

“Teukie-hyung, so it’s true, huh?” The maknae questioned again. “Guns.”

Leeteuk nodded, everyone stopped fooling, and just then, the doorbell rings.

“Kids! Open the door!” This voice is way too familiar, and the last thing that they would like to hear in the start of the year.

“Before you can step your feet into this sacred utopia, please kindly prove that you’re one of our kinds with our secret pass code.” A robotic voice was imitated by the mischievous fish.

“Yah! Pass-my-ass! Open the door before I chase you all down to the Han-River for a 4D 3N camping.”

“Sorry, the pass code you’ve given is invalid.” The robotic voice made its appearance again.

“I… say…” Before the man could continue anything, the leader opened the door.

“Hyung…” Leeteuk greeted him.

Donghae straightened his back immediately and greets him with his own voice too.

“Hyung! Why are you here at this hour?” The second oldest turned the roller chair and faced the guest.

“Hyung~ Is it true that our 5Jib is gonna be about guns?” The aegyo king of the group ran towards him and pouts. “I thought we are all gonna be bunnies~” He spreads his hands up widely and stared at the manager with teary eyes.

The maknae snorted a laugh. “Bunnies… huh…”

“WHAT?! Problem?”

“Not really.”

“Alright…” The manager moved towards the center of the living hall. “Well, you guys should have known this by now… Your 5Jib concept.”


“It’s…...” The man paused for a second, snapped his fingers and whistled something weird towards the door. Everyone went with the flow.

“Oh my god.” Donghae started to look around, as if searching for something. “Where did this ‘Mission Impossible’ background music came from?!”

“Yah! This is a hidden camera, right?!” The overly sensitive one, Eunhyuk spoke.

“Oh my god!” Donghae gasped again. “Who are they?!” He points to the two intruders who are charging their way in with a huge chest held in between them.

“This is getting so drama…” Heechul turns back to the laptop and continued his ‘researching’ again.

“Wait, get off! This is my laptop!” Kyuhyun tries to push Heechul off the chair with his butt but both of them started struggling with each other’s attacking and defending.

“All ready?” Manager spoke. The two intruders nodded and pushed their shades up. “Ok, both of you may take your leave now. Exit’s to your left.”

Neither of them could get hold of what their manager is blabbering about, nor what their manager is trying to do.  Kyuhyun continued fighting for the place that belongs to him, Heechul, apparently doesn’t care much about Kyuhyun, and is still having his eyes glued to the screen and fingers scrolling on the mouse continuously. Others were just practically, staring at the two men-in-black leaving in gawk.

“So…” Leeteuk stepped forward, still doesn’t aware of what to do now. “These are the tools?” He looked down to the chest.


“WHAT?! SERIOUSLY?! YOU MEAN THE GUNS ARE INSIDE?!” The fish jumped into the situation and widened his eyes, as if they are dropping.

“Yeap.” Kyuhyun and Heechul raced towards the chest and left the electronic device behind.

“Let’s open it.” Heechul grinned.

“Are you sure this isn’t a hidden camera?”

“Oh, we’re sinning!”



“Oh shit, I forgot to feed Ddangkoma, Ming, and Maeng!”

“This will be so cool! Like James Bond.”

“Is it absurd to hope that inside is actually food?”

“Guns, huh?”

“I’m opening…” The leader unlocked the chest. He pushed it up with both hands and the insides made their appearance as if they were really shining out.

“Whoa! Cool!” The first one who made his comment was Donghae. He grabbed one of the guns and started posing. “Like… James Bond?” He smirked.

“Like Nicholas Cage…” Eunhyuk reacted with a monotone and caused the latter to bring down his pose and sighs.

“Okay, guys. Take good care of these.” The manager claps his hands to get attention again. “Practice with these before the start of the Music Video recording, okay?” Planning to make his leave, he was being stopped by Eunhyuk.

“H-hyung…” The manager turned back. “W-what… about Kibum?” Heechul faced up, others stared at him too.

“There are eleven.” A slight smile shown on everyone’s face.

“Then Kangin?” Leeteuk questions.

“I bet he’s holding a real gun now.” Leeteuk frowns, but smiled again.

“Alright, goodnight kids! And sweet dreams.” They watched the manager walked of silently.

Siwon went back to his apartment after expressing how much sin he has been committing because of guns holding. Sungmin went back to his room due to his devastation of not having bunnies as their concept. Ryeowook chased after him with intentions to comfort. Yesung is still in his room, playing with his turtles. Upon finding out that what the chest contained weren’t food; Shindong went down to the convenience store to grab a bite.

Well, as for the others - Kyuhyun, Heechul, Leeteuk, Eunhyuk, and Donghae, they are gathering around the chest, still admiring those materials for their new album.

“Don’t you think they look weird?” The maknae spoke while pressuring his eyes onto those black articles.

“These will make a good use in our night activity, right?” Heechul held up one of them and pointed it at Kyuhyun’s face with an eye shut. “Kyu~hyun.”

“W-What?! Wait, Hee -”

“Shut up, Hyung.” He diverted the aiming to Leeteuk. “You want this too, don’t you?” He smirks. “Bang!”

Eunhyuk coughed out awkwardly and went back to his room while Donghae stayed, though. What his hyung said had impacted him tremendously. Not about 5Jib, not about Twitter or Tumblr, not about his night activities with Kyuhyun and Leeteuk but about those guns.

-To be continued-
♥ Firstly, I wanna apologize to my readers who had put up on my MIA-ness and irregular updates. m(_ _)m I know I've been saying this kind of shit umpteen times before and I keep excusing myself w/o a good reason, still, I apologize. AND I SWEAR TO PEOPLE WHO READ MY FICS THAT I'LL BE UPDATING FICS MORE REGULARLY AND FINISH UP WHAT I'M SUPPOSED TO FINISH. - After this, I'll be writing the sequel of this and this drabble, and the next chapter of Soul.

♥ This is kind of personal but... Aish! I'm really no good at expressing my depression or anger by writing.  - I've always thought that expressing out irl is more appropriate and accurate but I really don't know how am I supposed to feel now. I feel like crying but I'm doubting myself if I'm really crying. - Nvm if you don't get what I mean. But sorry.

♥ Anyway, comments are truly, highly, excessively appreciated.  Thank you very kamsa! <3

P/s: And on a side note, I'm more active in Twitter so if you can follow me, leave your username and I'll follow you back >8D

fandom: ryeowook, fanfic: one-shot | crack, fandom: heechul, fandom: sungmin, fandom: leeteuk, fandom: donghae, fandom: eunhyuk, fandom: super junior, fandom: kyuhyun

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