Sep 18, 2005 22:33
First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAREST DIAMOND! Today is the birthday of my dearly beloved pet cat. She turned two today. May I spend many many more with her. I love her with all my heart, she is one hell of a cat, with one hell of a personality. She brings me so much joy and love, that I just couldn't possibly imagine life without her. I only wish that she could have the same average life span of a human. Can't wait to post some pics up of my beautiful girl. She truly is the equivalent of a child to me, a furry friend and loving companion. Happy Birthday my precious plushy plush, lotsa love Mummy xoxo
Got my hair done yesterday, YAY pampering goodness! I love going to my hairdressers, they are just so friendly and make going there such an enjoyable and welcoming experience. Was also nice to get outta the house for awhile! Also got our grocery shopping done etc, nice to have the cupboards and fridge filled with food, soooooooooo good to be working again!
Was very domestic this weekend, got some housework done. And cooked up a fucking awesome lasagne! Prepared the sauce last night and then did the rest today, came up a real treat with plenty left over, looks like we'll be having lasagne tomorrow night, which is handy since I don't finish work till eight pm.
Visited Jason and Tasha today, and looks as though we will get to see baby Madison on Wednesday night. Up untill now they haven't had visitors at the hospital except for Julia to take photos, and Tasha's mum who came over from New Zealand. Looks as though Madison will still be at Monash for another 5 weeks, however she is doing well. Poor Jason and Tasha have to make frequent trips back and forth there. Will be good when they finally get her home! Happy Birthday to their cat Lilly, who also celebrated her 2nd birthday, although Jason and Tasha had no idea untill Darryn and I mentioned it. Lilly is the sister of our cat Diamond, and let me just say we certainly got the better of the two, and I am not just saying it, seriously our cat is far more intelligent, affectionate and sophisticated. Our cat is the prettier sister *beaming like a proud bragging parent*!
Currently waiting for my nails to dry *sigh* I took my acrylics off when we got back from NZ, so back to crappy natural nails, thus requiring frequent painting to ensure they look somewhat nice and presentable, I guess it is kinda fun and girly to be painting my nails again though :o) And cheaper!! The plan was once the acrylics came off Darryn would start teaching me the guitar, although nothing regarding that has begun properly as yet, it's still however the general plan at some stage to get that all under way.
One more week to go for the Garbage concert! Fucking can't wait! And now that I have some spare cash I have decided that I will buy myself a T-shirt there, here's hoping they have some decent designs. I am so excitted about seeing them, every other time they have been over here touring I have missed out for some reason or another. This time I am there! Counting down the days...
Not much else to report, all work and no play makes Bec a very dull girl, hopefully will be going out to play soon! :o)