lolocrasy APP

Sep 02, 2010 23:37

name: France-mun. (you'll have to get to knooow me~)
age: 18
experience: Have played France andouillette at sanctuary_rpg for over a year now, played at lovingneighbors on this account. Does occasional derping about on the DR count, also?
e-mail: ceyloncranberries[at]gmail[dot]com / AIM: mnyuuuu

nation: France

name: François Jean-Pierre Bonnefoy
nickname(s): Francis. He does not like it, but he uses it for English legal documents and forms since nobody uses his French name anyway.
age: 26
date of birth: 1984
hometown: Paris, France
occupation: Baker at Celeste Bakery (full-time) and masseur (part-time, some evenings and holidays) at Tatiana Baths.
residence: Bungalow in Ocean View. Getting a job so close to home was an afterthought.
family: Father [deceased], mother [unknown], step-mother, step-father, younger sister [Marianne, not a nation].

first impression: Looks a little... full of himself. And then he starts paying attention to your needs.


1. Francis lives alone. By choice, naturally, as he isn't exactly stern with his co-workers, customers or indeed, anybody he might casually run into on the street- and would readily offer his place for an intimate night in. Only that he has a slight fear that someone might outstay their welcome and disrupt his perfect lifestyle. Nothing more than minor bachelor issues- it's not like his house isn't clean or anything...

2. Speaking of bachelor issues, he hasn't been known to stay strictly faithful to his current lover, no matter how well he treats them and vice versa. There was one exception- a French girl, studying abroad at the same time as him in a Catholic school. 'Messy' wouldn't describe the breakup. It was sheer carnage and he doesn't talk about it, save in inebriated states and/or with the person who assissted in the breakup. Currently he's in a comfortable relationship with a lovely lady who buys her morning snack in the bakery, whilst trying to cut off old ties with a young apprentice at the last place he worked at. (He's taking his sweet time in this matter.)

3. Despite all those other bachelor problems, Francis can cook well. It started off as a hobby, grew into daily sustenance during university, and developed into a wild passion for cuisine which he took as his weapon into the adult world of work. Rather than go on to academia at university he chose an apprenticeship in patisserie, which is where his main interests lie, and sadly explains why he snubs 'lower' chain bakeries in favour of European, usually French shops, and disapproves of any 'traditional English' meal. Good French food like that served in Paris is a big aching hole in his life; if only finding a well-paid job in the culinary sector of Paris wasn't so difficult, he would go back. However, his greatest foodie weakness is millefeuille cake. Finding his favourite brand in town makes his month and your Affection rating will increase threefold.

4. He has a terrible, terrible dislike of the English-speaking world. When exactly it originated is unknown, but certainly it flourished with a study trip to England (necessary for a certain credit in his apprenticeship) where he reverted to extreme Parisian disgust for everything from overexposure to English. That, and the way Americans rasp 'Francois' into 'Francis' gets on his nerves, although by now he has learned to give up on correcting mispronounciation of his name (and, well, any other French name in the bakery).

5. Francis' interests are rather... bourgeois. He took a liking to philosophy, music, classics and fine art through his upbringing in the centre of Paris, amidst the many galleries and monuments of the capital. His skills, however, do not lie in drawing, writing or composing- just being a good connaisseur of the great masters, and finding the time to visit galleries and regularly read novels. (Favourite genres: philosophy, bio/autobiographies, romance, romance pulp fiction)

6. Unlike many young people these days, Francis is somewhat of a technophobe. That landline phone is vintage for a reason. Mobile phones, electronic cooking equipment and such are within his range, but he is not one to keep up with Apple's latest releases, video games, new OSs, downloads... All he has is his trusty laptop, and it only took him several months of flirting with hotel receptionists to figure out how wi-fi worked. He would never admit to being bad with technology; only that he doesn't need it, and that an iPhone charger stand would not fit in with the rest of the furniture anyway.

7. He is a flirt. A big flirt. That would be the simplest way to express his manner of courting with longing gazes, meaningful looks, a slight touch, an offer, a smile, a promise of romance and of pleasure he would very readily follow through... and this is not restricted to either sex. He loves what is beautiful and finds people to be the most beautiful creatures of all.

8. He has no interest in settling down. At all. Since his rather haphazard start in life- born a bastard child to his father's mistress, and taken in by his legitimate wife to raise respectably as her own- and, having seen how well that worked out (his 'mother' proceeded to have several affairs as soon as she was widowed, finally marrying another man who lives in their house now that Francis has left), unconsciously has come to the conclusion that it's not worth it. Or at least, that children aren't worth it, even if he finds well-behaved ones cute and proves a fair babysitter- if not capricious as the children themselves- to young relatives.

9. Francis has no shame enjoys nudity is very fond of the human body- and very proud of his own. Life-drawing lessons and classical artwork has taught him that nudity is nothing to be ashamed of, and sex has helped him believe that just the opposite, its beauty is to be celebrated! This does not mean he is an exhibitionist, but only at ease with bare skin and the human form, and can be caught going about his mornings in the buff when he's not quite awake enough to get dressed. He's not shameless, though- in fact, he is more likely to cringe and worry about a certain clothes style or fashion than what he looks like underneath. Because of this unflinching attitude and anatomical knowledge, he was readily accepted for the position at Tatiana Baths- yet he still manages to get chastised for occasional massage jobs that become too intimate. He just loves it that much.

10. While he adores debates on philosophy and ethics, Francis himself is unclear about his own faith. He was baptised Roman Catholic and always brought to mass, and once he became old enough, attended mass regularly. Obviously this might clash with his ever-so-philanderous lifestyle and his grounded realism, but somehow he keeps a balance, attending church for Christmas and the rare wedding of a friend. His use of confessional is a bit more regular than this, because even he feels some guilt now and then. God, in his eyes, has always appeared to be playing a trick on him at every turn in his life from the beginning. He is unwilling to discuss his own beliefs in that matter and would really prefer to ramble about Descartes or Plato, frankly.

11. As much as he enjoys his work, sometimes he would rather just not work and go on strike fully believing that he can and will get away with it, and get a fairer (higher) pay. It's not like it doesn't work back in France.

12. Francis hasn't kept a pet in years, but he doesn't dislike animals. Quite the contrary- he used to keep pigeons and doves as a child, but they were accidentally shot by one of his mother's boyfriends in hunting practice. It was slightly scarring, but birds and felines are still his favourites.

13. Like many French people, Francis doesn't strictly enjoy tourism. He impulsively went on a roaring trip of Europe immediately after his apprenticeship, but was abandoned by his 'guide'- his own multilingual boyfriend- in London, and since then has found that travelling alone is boring and unfamiliar if you don't know the language. Other countries simply aren't like home.

14. He can only speak French and English. He has been learning English for six years, approximately, with three of those years actually spent in English-speaking countries (studying in England for one year before going across Europe, then ending up in Liberty), so he's had plenty of time to learn the language, and manages to remember his 'h's and pronounce his 'th's when speaking. He understands far better than he can speak, writes just as well as he can read, and so speaks at a moderate pace, making him seem perhaps even more laid-back than he already is.

15. He loves himself physically more than spiritually. He readily pays for nice haircuts and spa treatments, and maintains his goatee-like stubble with the utmost care (although really, it's just some tough facial hair that won't go down without a fight).

16. He's not gay. He's not straight or bisexual, either. Who knows what orientation he is? Maybe he's pansexual. That's probably it. He hasn't given it much thought.

17. ...he has debts. It's probably his biggest shame to contradict his outer appearance, what with his nice choice of accommodation and the luxuries he pays for. These debts are small remainders of tuition fees and paying off his car, and could probably easily be paid off with the inheritance/savings account belonging to the Bonnefoy family, but going back home- even using their money- would be like giving in. And so he has a side-job to fill in the gaps so he can maintain a pampered lifestyle whilst paying rent and debts and who cares, anyway? He has a nice car!

ET UN SECRET: The small golden cross chain he wears is not symbolic of his own faith; it's a reminder of 'that girl'. He is only slightly emotionally masochistic. This is the only thing that contradicts his 'avoid getting hurt' policy.


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