
Feb 09, 2011 08:35

Everynowandthen I understand what a dairy cow must feel like.

I've learned that when your infant is congested, removing nasal blockages become a cagematch and babies fight dirty.

Discussing poop quality, coloration, and texture can become an indepth and interesting conversation.

I find myself speaking in sing-song even when I'm away from the baby.

Waking up at five am doesn't preceede a long chain of explicatives from my mouth.

When the baby is screaming, all predetermined sleeping arrangements can be up for negotiation.

Cat? Oh, yes. We do have a cat. Wow, haven't seen her today. Buttons!? The cat is highly upset at the new lifestyle at times. She is my first child and acts as such, so I have a baby in one arm and Buttons' ball in the other hand because she insists upon playing fetch while he is nursing.

I find that I'll make a complete fool of myself just to coax a smile or giggle out of the lil man. Such a reward.

With every bit of gas, cough or sneeze he has, I feel like a bad mom! I die inside when he's uncomfortable.

People questioning your parenting may just start WW III.

I find myself committing the cardinal sins of forcing people to look at my babys latest photos and detailing his most recent achievements, because nobody is as cute or smart as him. Nobody.

My job doesn't seem like such a death sentence anymore, but a means to an end...a better life for my boy.

My husband and I still have ah-ha moments when we realize that we're not at prom anymore, but married with a little one.

I have a little voice in my head when I look at my son that says, "what a blessing that God entrusted us with this little soul. Don't mess this up!"


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