My Yogi Tea detox teabag tag says:

Jan 03, 2008 09:33

"Happiness is every human being's birthright."

You can say that again.  Gotta decompress; health wills it so.  I will spend time today on journaling and yoga.  Three more receipts to catalog, and my budget will be completely feng shui-ed for the New Year.  This week: Add spa to budget.  Add wedding benchmarks to personal planner.  Put dates and contacts on iPod; update photos.  Make apartment hunting spreadsheet.

Realistic resolutions:
Get a grip on life, sanity and reality.
Stick to health and fitness regimen; take moments to relax and destress.
Nix the bad words.
Stick to budget; then optimize budget percentages according to ideal budget format.
Become a Christian and a better person overall.
Work harder.
Remember birthdays and holidays; show family and friends how much they mean to you.

2008/2009 Goals:
New cell phone and plan.
Move and decorate by summer.
Make more quilts and crafts.  
Portfolio talents and start a business.
Plan the family reunion; find a satisfactory place to pause on genealogy research.
Plan the wedding; delegate.
Merge two lifestyles.
Turn a new leaf as a married woman and a godly wife.
Transition my hair to natural (December).
Map a career path...get a promotion...take options.

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