Jun 23, 2007 15:31
I went with Karen and Dylan to a birthday party for one of Karen's friend's nephew. Point Mallard park in Decatur. My face got burned :(. It's the first time I've been swimming this summer (not the first time this year... because of my honeymoon in April). I had fun, but I'm definately ready for a nap. Keeping up with a 2 year old isn't as easy as it looks.
He woke up crying for Buck this morning. Karen said she almost lost it, because apparently he had been dreaming about Buck and couldn't understand why he wasn't there. Poor little guy. I can hardly wait until July 3rd. Next week is going to pass so... fricken... slow. BUT, there's a chance that they're not going to get to spend more than one night with us :(. I really really hope that the officers in Camp Shelby aren't going to be assholes about it all. They've had SO much free time (Michael took a 4 hour nap in the barracks a few days ago), and it's looking like they're not going to let them come home before they fly to Kuwait because they're going to have to finish "training". It makes me so angry. Why would you take a group of guys from their biggest support to sit around and do nothing all day??? And then take away their time with their families because you've allowed them so much down time??? It makes no sense to me.
I'm making a day trip to Auburn tomorrow with Mom and my sister. We have to take Michael's car down, and I'm going to take some of the bridal shower stuff I've been storing at Karen's house. I'm doing a major overhaul of the bedroom/apartment to get rid of useless junk I have. Maybe I'll donate it to Goodwill.. or I could bring it home to see at the Charlie Co. Family Readiness Group Yard Sale. Decisions decisions.
My little brother turns 4 tomorrow. I can't believe how time is flying. My sister will be 13 in August. Just wow.
I'm going to go be nostalgic now.