:) we are dancin now. BECAUSE WERE SO HAPPY!

Mar 20, 2007 19:14

so. ive come to the point where i have accepted my mistakes. and the screw ups i make, its okay. i am me because of them. i get nervous really easily. i cry really easily. i dont think before i do, but these things are what make me who i am. i think i now accept that i am not perfect. people love me for my imperfections. i dont make the best grades, i cuss when im upset, i make a big deal out of everything, but its who i am.

school isnt going very well. home life isnt going very well. i have training this weekend im not ready for but its okay. i love my life, i wouldnt ask it to be any different even with the bad auditions and the break downs, the bad test grades and the overwhelming homework assignments, and the the large amounts of stress, im okay. i have the best friends ever. i have the best family, even though we dont get along half the time, i wouldnt ask for them to be any different. my boyfriend is amazing, he truly is the greatest. but most of all i finally accepted my daddy, my God back into my life, and it seems that life is finally doing okay again. im happy. :)

much much much love.

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