Maybe my journaling skills are rusty? I haven't even written much in paper journals in ages. This from someone who would journal most days on paper, and fairly regularly here for a while. I'm not sure exactly what that's about. Okay, that's bull - I know exactly what that's about. I'm tired at the end of the day - which is the only kid-free time I'm (relatively) guaranteed. It's easier to stick food in my face and alcohol down my throat, to shut off the brain than to try and think about all the stuff that's bubbling in my head. So that's what I've been doing. It's not really working. I mean, sure, I don't think so much, but the thoughts end up getting stuck around the edges and just hanging out there. I'm working it out, but in the meantime, enjoy some pics of the kidlets.
They're what keep me sane. Well, as sane as it gets around here. It's a good thing they are so freaking sweet. I have no idea how that happened. Somehow put me and Tom together and get the best of both of us. I am so in love with them.