Notable Events in my Life during 2005

Aug 30, 2006 14:42

I was trying to fix my things when I happened to see my 2005 Planner. It was fun looking at the past entries and other reminders that I wrote on it. Thinking that I just joined livejournal last February, I have no record of what happened in my life during the past year so I thought of doing this entry and adding it to my memories. I will begin with June 2005 since school starts by that month.

June 2, 2005 - ENROLLMENT
I used to remember the days of long lines and chaotic environment during enrollment day. So my classmates and I were really happy to know that for 4th year students, we don't have to stand in line anymore and the process is much faster.

June 15, 2005 - START OF CLASSES
This would be the last 1st semester I would be spending as a college student. I don't remember much what happened this day but the usual things that go on are the checking of registration forms and attendance.

I was busy during summer processing my papers for the Japanese Scholarship. I was glad to have passed the first stage and was called to take the exam this day. I studied a little but did not expect the math test to be so hard. I did not pass but I am sill happy to have taken advantage of this opportunity.

July 6 to 8, 2005 - 4TH YEAR HRM RETREAT
This event was celebrated at Calaruega, Batangas which is really beautiful and perfect for such an occasion. A lot of problems were resolved on this event and it made the class so much closer.

July 26, 2005 - MEETING MIMI
This is the first time I met my friend Mimi who is also a Laruku fan. I was really glad to have known her and become friends with her. We share a lot of the same interests and we are also taking up the same course though I was ahead of her by one year.

August 1, 2005 - MEETING MIYUCHI
This is the first time I met Miyuchi in the Engineering Complex. I got to know her through her Tabulas journal and I was glad to know we share a lot of the same interests. I lent her a manga which I later gave as a Christmas gift.

August 27, 2005 - GUITAR NIGHT
A couple of guys from the Guitar Department invited us for this event. We agreed because my friends has a crush on some of those guys. I arrived late and left early because I cannot stay until the early morning.

August 28, 2005 - KAITHLYN'S BAPTISMAL
The day my niece, Kaithlyn was baptized. She is the daughter of my older brother, Jay-R and Rose. He is the fifth in the family and this little girl is so beautiful in the white dress she wore for the occasion.

September 20 to 23, 2005 - TOUR IN MACAU and CHINA
As part of our school activity, we decided to go on a tour of Macau and Zhuhai, China. I always love to travel if given the chance and I enjoyed this trip so much. It was really fun because I spent time with my classmates and it is a memory we will cherish forever.

October 5, 2005 - THESIS DEFENSE
After working so hard for our thesis, the final point is to defend it in front of 3 panelists. The title of our thesis is "Sanitation Practices of Selected Motels in Metro Manila". Basically it seeks to know if motels practice proper sanitation in their establishments. We did well in the defense and I was happy that we were able to get a good grade.

October 28, 2005 - 2ND SEMESTER ENROLLMENT
There were only a few units left to finish before graduation. I only have 3 more subjects and so the tuition was not that expensive. All of them are practicum for hotel, cafeteria and coffee shop.

November 16, 2005 - PRACTICUM INTERVIEW
The Peninsula Manila is the only hotel I passed my resume to and so I was glad to be able to have an interview with the HR Department. As I was reviewing my answers after the interview, I didn't feel confident enough with my answers but I just prayed that I could make it through.

I was accepted to be a practicumer at The Peninsula Manila and I had my orientation this day. I was running late and the traffic was heavy (being a Friday) but I was glad that I was just on time when I arrived at the service entrance of the hotel.

December 5, 2005 - START OF PRACTICUM
This day marked the start of my practicum at Manila Peninsula. I was assigned in the Laundry Department for two weeks then I would move on to the Creative Department which deals with flowers. The next departments we would be going to isn't designated yet so we have to wait.
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