cold shower is COLD.

Jun 29, 2007 23:41

the water heater in my apartment is out. -_- now, since it's summer i shouldn't care right? oh you are mistaken sir! it is hella cold right now! rain everyday for a MONTH now! it's 63 right now. D: if anyone tries to tell me the is no such thing as Global warming i'm popping them one, IN THE FUCKING FACE! there has been so much flooding! this afternoon when i went to work i almost couldn't make it. when the roads DOWNTOWN are almost to drive in, what about Country roads? yeah. yeah. i suppose it is better than last year. i'll take record rain fall to RECORD HEAT any day!!

i think i might get another cat, too. a little orange one. THEN NAME HIM CHUCK NORRIS. he would be the most badass cat ever. you know it's true!! ofcourse, i'll have to ask Link & Zelda first! =^.^= but that is why the video of the day (night) is about LOLCats~! enjoy~!

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have a nice night everyone!!

rain!!, floods?!, lol cats

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