This? Is the sort of thing I want from my candidate.

Sep 12, 2007 03:30

Edwards: No 'fancy dinners or photo ops'

Edwards said he isn't offering his backers a "fancy dinner or photo-ops with celebrities."

WASHINGTON (CNN) - In what might be perceived as a veiled shot at one his chief rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination, former Sen. John Edwards is taking five supporters to New Orleans to work on rebuilding homes.

“Instead of offering you a fancy dinner or photo-ops with celebrities, we’re giving you the opportunity to create the change we need to see in this country,” Edwards, a North Carolina Democrat seeking his party’s presidential nomination said in a statement.

Sen. Barack Obama, who is also competing for the Democratic presidential nomination, had a $3 million fundraiser at Oprah Winfrey’s California home this past weekend. Obama, who represents Illinois, also has held a contest that gives small political donors a chance to have dinner with him.

The Edwards contest will take five people to New Orleans to work on helping to rebuild a city devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Edwards visit to the Crescent City comes after it was recently revealed that a company he has financial ties with foreclosed on the homes of over 30 New Orleans residents.

An Edwards’ spokesperson would not comment beyond what was stated in the news release.

- CNN Political Ticker Producer Xuan Thai


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