BINGO: straight line

Apr 01, 2012 12:45

Author: Shakespeare's Girl
Fandoms: Bandom (Panic! at the Disco); American Idol 8; Internet Celebrities/RPF
AU: assassins; writers; sailors; civil war; celebrities

Title: See You Next Week
Fandom: AI 8
Prompt: assassins
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: boys trying to kill each other
Summary: Kris tries to hit Adam.  Lucky for Adam, he used to be a player.

Title: Untitled
Fandom:  Bandom (Panic! at the Disco)
Prompt: Writers
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: crack!fic, improper use of the Muppets
Summary:  Brendon is a writer, Spencer is his editor, and Gerard and Lyn-Z work at the Red Lobster.

Title: Lambert's Navy
Fandom: AI 8
Prompt: sailors
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: crossdressing, blatant disregard of actual US military practices
Summary:  Adam's crew sends Ensign Allen to rescue their beloved leader from the clutches of heiress Paula Abdul.

Title: Untitled
Fandom: AI 8/Gone With The Wind (fusion)
Prompt: Civil War
Medium: fic
Rating: hard R
Warnings: mindfuckery, abuse, manipulation, dub- to non-consensual sex
Summary:  Adam is Scarlett, Kris is Rhett, and together, they have the unhealthiest relationship since Cathy and Heathcliff.

Title: TGIF
Fandom: Internet Celebrities/Real Person Fiction (Katy Perry/Rebecca Black)
Prompt: celebrities
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: underage, dubious consent
Summary:  Rebecca kisses a girl (and she likes it).

prompt: sailors, player: shakespearsgrl2, bingo: straight line, fandom: rpf: american idol, prompt: civil war, medium: fic, fandom: rpf: bandom, fandom: rpf: musicians, round: two, prompt: writers, prompt: celebrities, prompt: assassins

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