BINGO: Straight Line (Vertical)

Apr 01, 2012 13:47

Author: crescent_gaia / Liz
Fandoms: Torchwood, Harry Potter, Leverage, Doctor Who RPF, Hunger Games (movie 'verse)
AU: Government, Tech regression/failure, Alt. History: Canon historical event changed, Dragons, Celebrities

1. Title: Myfawny and the Dragon
Fandom: Torchwood
Prompt: Dragons
Medium: Fic
Rating: PGish
Warnings: Small spoilers for season 2 episode "Fragments".
Summary: There be a dragon in Torchwood.

2. Title: Fucking Ghost
Fandom: Harry Potter
Prompt: Alt. History: Canon Historical Event Changed
Medium: Fic
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: A lot of sex - is a bit of a PwP fic. Also, this is set after DH and I threw out the epilogue. Mwhahaha.
Summary: It's Halloween and Harry goes to meet Draco as a ghost.

3. Title: Celebrity Encounter
Fandom: Leverage, Doctor Who RPF
Prompt: Celebrities
Medium: Fic
Rating: PGish
Warnings: Slight spoiler for season 6 of Doctor Who.
Summary: Hardison decides to go to Utah.

4. Title: Ghosts
Fandom: Torchwood
Prompt: Tech regression / failure
Medium: Fic
Rating: PGish
Warnings: Spoilers for Everything Changes, Cyberwoman, and Fragments.
Summary: Ianto sees dead people.

5. Title: The Death of Seneca Crane
Fandom: Hunger Games (movie 'verse)
Prompt: Government
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Spoilers for the Hunger Games movie version.
Summary: See title. :D

fandom: leverage, fandom: harry potter, bingo: straight line, player: crescent_gaia, fandom: rpf: actors, medium: fic, fandom: hunger games, prompt: government, prompt: ah: canon historical event chang, round: two, prompt: celebrities, prompt: dragons, prompt: tech regression / failure, fandom: torchwood

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