((OOC: Yes, Phoenix felt the need to personally apologize to the people he feels he hurt the most. All locks are HACKABLE, though I doubt anyone would want to see these. XD;;))
[Locked to Pearls]
I’m so sorry, Pearls… The last thing I’d ever want to do is hurt you or, worse, make you feel like you’re unwelcome. Seeing your smile alone has eased so many stressful days. Don’t ever forget that, okay?
[Locked to Mikaela]
Mikaela, one of the last things I said to you was that I doubted the people I’ve met here were worth sticking around for, and I can’t put enough emphasis on how untrue that is. I will always, always maintain that the friends I’ve made here are worth every misfortune that may have befallen me because the good times far outweigh the bad. If neither a dragon crashing into a ballroom nor a god breaking down a cathedral drove me away, I doubt anything will at this point.
I’m sorry I hurt you. I really am… You’re one of the people I look forward to talking to most.
[Locked to Maraich]
Maraich… I don’t know what I can possibly to say to you. I would never treat you or Matthias the way I did under normal circumstances. You and I have been through a lot together, and while there have been things I’ve done for you, I don’t discount the things you’ve done for me, too. I hope you know that.
Oh, and… I’m sorry I threw the stew away… It smelled really good.
[Locked to Gumshoe]
Er, Detective? What I said about being a tool… I hope you didn’t take it to heart. You’ve been more helpful than you can imagine during tough investigations and I never take for granted the information you’re willing to give me.
[Locked to David]
I’m sorry I jumped on you, David. You were only asking what was wrong. By this point, I’m sure you’ve realized…
[Locked to Larry]
Er, Larry… We need to talk. I hope by now you’ve figured out that I wasn’t in my right mind the last time we spoke and, um, I’m going to assume you weren’t, either. I’m sorry about what I said. But did you have to bring up that basement thing…?
[Locked to Ten]
…Doctor, prior to this we had never met formally and I hate for that to have been your first, real impression of me. I understand if you’re not interested in hearing an apology, but do know that I never meant to offend you.
I appreciate you trying to get through to me.
[Locked to Iris]
We’ve only recently met, Iris. You have no reason to trust me, especially when our first encounter wasn’t particularly cheerful, but I wanted you to know that I realize what I said to you was disrespectful and completely out of line. I don’t expect forgiveness; I’d just like you to know that I harbor no ill feelings towards you.
[Locked to Edgeworth]
Edgeworth… I didn’t mean anything that I said. You know that, don’t you? Please, tell me you know that…