Maybe tomorrow is a better day.

Jul 29, 2011 18:33

Characters: Group post! It’s party time! So Raven and ANYone else; EVERYONE else, as a matter of fact.
Date & Time: July 22nd, evening
Setting: Outside, because it’s a party by the lake. And the lake is outdoors. Ergo...
Summary: Party by the lake! (oooh) Party by the lake! (yeah) We’re a whole bunch of mutants on our way to an awesome party by the lake! (Oh yeah)
Rating: Hm... let’s say PG-13 for now.
Status: Open! (there’ll be a posting order order of course; or a lot of multi-threading/cross-threading)

We're going to need this...

Raven slipped quietly out the side door. So far she’d ferried two coolers (one, the larger one, full of soda and juice, the other, smaller one, containing the small amount of alcohol she’d made off with for the so-called “adults”, a couple packages of disposable glasses, loads of towels and a bunch of blankets outside to the bench by the lake. She’d even scrounged up an old portable record player of Charles’ and hefted it outside as well, along with a wide range of records. Music was a necessity.

The day before, she’d gone around and slipped notes under doors (so far she’d invited Erik, her brother, Iris, Amara, Kitty, Sean, Darwin, the kid with the fire power; John, she thought his name was, Alex, Kurt, Hank, Angel... there were a bunch of folks that she hadn’t met yet, but Raven had slipped notes under everyone’s door anyways.) letting them know that there was to be a celebration down by the lake the next evening and that their presence was expected and that swimsuits were required. She had her own swimsuit on underneath a simple sundress.

She was, of course, the first one there. Then again, she had sort of planned it, so it made sense. She set about spreading out the blankets, stacking the towels neatly on the edge of the bench, making sure that the packages of disposable glasses didn’t blow away, setting up the record player on the other end of the bench, and arranging the coolers in the centre of all the blankets.

Once that was done, Raven waded barefoot into the lake, stopping when she was almost up to her knees. Closing her eyes and tilting her head towards the sky, she enjoyed the feel of the wind blowing through her hair. On a whim, remembering her conversation with Iris a few days ago... she let the blonde ripple away, and in its place was a brilliant pink.

Perfect night for a party.

amara aquilla, hank mccoy, iris masterson, erik lehnsherr, kurt wagner, ben westwood, raven xavier, alex summers

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