Who: Gunn and Faith
Where: Faith's Place
When: Right after
this scene.
What: Gunn and Faith finish their 'date'
Status: Complete :)
Gunn knew how lucky he was by all the stares that he and Faith had gotten when they left the bar. He'd have known that without getting all the stares, after all. Faith was a great looking girl, and he knew that she had all sorts of Slayer flexibility. She also happened to be a girl that he could hang around with and not feel the need to censor himself in some way or another. She was just awesome like that.
Of course, he didn't really expect things to progress by much after this night. Not that he would mind, but he knew what sort of gal that Faith was. He had heard Xander's drunken rants a time or two, after all. He certainly wasn't going to press anything with her. He was just going to enjoy the night for what it was worth, and, to him, it was going to be worth a lot.
When they arrived at Faith's place, he hopped out of his truck with a slight bounce in his step (tonight had turned into a REALLY good night, after all) and, after locking it up, headed inside with Faith. If he was a real loser, he might do a *about to have sex* dance or something. Luckily for everyone, or not so, depending on opinion, he wasn't that much of a loser, though.