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coastal_spirit September 8 2006, 04:06:58 UTC
I enjoyed your insightful comments about Furuba chapter 132 on miyabita13's LJ, and they led me here to your journal, where I found lovely icons (nabbed a whole bunch) and more interesting posts on a variety of things. Do you mind if I friend you? Feel free to friend me back if you wish. I think we have quite a few things in common, although if you go to read my LJ you'll find that a lot of my posts are friends' locked for various reasons. Looking forward to talking to you.


attaining September 8 2006, 05:49:42 UTC
Haha, I don't know that ANYTHING I say is insightful, but thank you!! Please do! I warn you that I talk a lot am easily excited and might abuse things like CAPS LOCK and exclamation points!! I am year of the rabbit, after all. ;)

You instantly WIN for that Mark Twain quote. Added.


coastal_spirit September 9 2006, 21:26:54 UTC
Oooh, thank you! You sound like my type of person. ^_^ I'm a snake myself, so I tend to ramble on and on and on, sometimes making no sense at all. ;)

Yes, that Mark Twain quote just about sums it up, doesn't it?


attaining September 13 2006, 07:59:43 UTC
That is excellent! I bet you eat your soba with great confidence!!!

I was looking at your icons. You 'ship Yuki/Kyo??


coastal_spirit September 18 2006, 23:22:15 UTC
I had to laugh when I read this because that is such an obscure reference to Ayame, but I got it! You really sound like my type of person!

No, I don't 'ship Yuki/Kyo, but I don't mind it. I love your icon, and have one of the same picture, just because I think it's so funny! Do you 'ship Yuki/Kyo?

In many anime and manga that I've seen, I've liked shonen-ai and yaoi pairings better than het; but Furuba seems to be an exception for me: I tend to like all the canon pairings in Furuba (well, except for Kazuma and Hanajima, which I just refuse to accept *grins*). I always think reading alternate pairings is interesting, though.


It's easy to slash them when there are images of them like this attaining September 20 2006, 06:17:34 UTC
Haha, I am FULL of obscure references! I'm glad you understood; you ARE a snake at heart. Ah, snake in only the most positive of ways! You sound like my kind of person, as well!

Thank you! Hah, sigh, yes I 'ship them, but it's a 'ship that I'm extremely picky about. Yuki/Kyo only works for me when they are using and abusing each other, and it usually circles back to how they feel about Tohru. I can't see love being involved with the two, but I can very easily see them having a dark sexual relationship where they are using sex as a means of comfort or desperation or familiarity (because in my head, to those two, sex would just be another means of fighting each other). It would definitely be something short lived. These song lyrics pretty much sum up what I expect a Yuki/Kyo fling to be.I am right there with you about Kazuma/Hanajima!! I really do love all of the canon pairings; for once, all of them work for me completely. That almost never happens. I'm just a 'ship whore, so I really like to read and write non-canon couples in ( ... )


Re: It's easy to slash them when there are images of them like this coastal_spirit September 21 2006, 19:39:27 UTC
I'm always impressed when someone can make a 'ship I never considered really work.

So am I, and I'm always open to reading that type of fanfic. :) Okay, so now I'm interested; do you write, and if so, where are your fics? And do you know any Yuki/Kyou fics that you could recommend?


Re: It's easy to slash them when there are images of them like this attaining October 7 2006, 03:31:20 UTC
Ah, I thought I answered this comment, but I did not! For shame, Self!

I do write occasionally, although Furuba is the first fandom I've felt like writing fic for in years. (I never wrote fic for BTVS, but I RPed it LIKE WHOA.) All Furuba fics I've written or find interesting go in my memories. Although, I've only really written a Kyo/Tohru ch 130 double-drabble. I have two Yuki/Kyos, a Shikito, a Rin/Haru, and several Kyo-centric or Kyoru fics In Editing. This is a fandom I'd really like to write for when I can.

Oh man, Yuki/Kyo fics. Honestly, I've only ever read ONE that I liked, and even that one was just "okay." I've had a hard time finding good Furuba fic at all, mostly because I don't know where to look. Let me see if I can find you some when I jump on my other comp: I know bookmarked a few.

Well, I did write this pretty R-rated Yuki/Kyo one-shot. It's in need of editing, but feel free to check it out if you're interested.


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