Friends Only

Sep 20, 2015 01:26

Friends Only. Mostly. Comment to be added. I promise I don't bite unless you ask nicely.

crimsonlady → attaining

I'm Kat, and I'm supposedly an adult. I hail from the midwest, but I'm a blue stater at heart. I also like to talk. A lot. Especially about these fandoms:

-Fruits Basket
-Death Note
-Queer As Folk
-Avatar: The Last Airbender
-The Daily Show/The Colbert Report
-Project Runway
-Various anime/manga
-Random movies

I talk about music pretty frequently, but when it's not fandom or music, it's probably about work (retail steals your soul when it's on temporary markdown, as does research); my life (that's nothing exciting); people I encounter throughout the day (mostly ones I'll never see again); and random observations on the world which can all really be answered with "42."

Random: I roleplay on-line, and it's made me picky about fan fic and characterization. I will read anything as long as it's well-written, probably. Gen, boyslash, femslash, het, whatever.

I should also mention I'm very excited by little things. LIKE AN EXCUSE TO TALK ABOUT MYSELF! Ahem. If I friend you, it's probably because I thought we had something in common, and I'd like to know you better.

Will I friend you back? If you seem sane/interesting/intelligent/shiny, probably. I like people who speak in complete sentences, I think that's pretty cool. I have a low tolerance for drama, though. Additionally, I'd like it if you left me at least one comment at some point. Just one. So I know who you are and why you friended me, because I'm curious like that. Don't be shy! I encourage babbling!!

I am mellow and I like to keep my journal that way, so there is no drama over de-friending. I won't cry at your entry page wondering why you left me, and I hope you'll do the same. I understand that people have different interests or simply no time, so I won't take it personally.

Comments are still screened from what this post used to be.

cut off

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