Jul 12, 2012 01:38
Sometimes I worry that the mysterious Ryo-story (my God, that story really needs a name, doesn't it) will simmer to death on the back burner, like my projects tend to do. But the truth is that it keeps happening, keeps growing and shaping up and re-shaping all on its own, and that is both delightful and thrilling.
These last couple of days all sorts of things have sprung up, scenes from all parts of the story, bits of dialogue for scenes I already had, good reasons for people to do something or other that I need them to do; I could barely keep up writing it all down. I'm excited about that!
I also finally made some sort of storyline- consisting of circles, because years are circles, to my mind- and I think it will span about five years. Towards the end there are things that seem like they should take longer, but I have nothing to fill that time with and it feels weird to me to have one chapter take place in winter and the next one on midsummer, kind of thing. So I don't know yet how I'm going to handle this, especially because there are other things (emotional things) that don't seem like they should be stretched out any more than they are.
I'll just have to come up with a good excuse as to why things are moving this fast. :P
So yeah that's exciting. And now I really need to get back to Stardust, because it's been I-don't-even-know-how-long again already, and I still haven't finished the first chapter of Berserk, either. I do have the second chapter, though, otherwise known as the prologue. God I hope that story isn't too convoluted. -.-