Oct 12, 2009 23:13
We’re all so negative these days. For example, first we weren't happy that NASA was going to drop something onto the moon: “we’re going to blow up the moon!” Then people were pissed that “we didn’t see a big enough explosion.” When Obama won the Nobel peace prize, while even he agreed he hadn't earned it yet, the first reaction from the U.S. wasn't "Hooray!" but “Our president hasn’t solved everybody’s problems yet!”
The politicians in congress, the government itself, is telling us not to trust government - if anybody bad-mouthed their companies the way congress people badmouth their own nation/government, they’d be fired on the spot.
We’re like petulant teenagers who are just pouty and don’t want to do anything.
Well I'm taking a more positive attitude.
I'm laughing instead of crying. Taking the time to say hi to coworkers and ask how their workout routine is going, or whether they went to that concert they reeeeaaaallly wanted to go to. I'm contributing to NPR, I'm buying the local produce, I'm actually stopping to smell the roses, because rather than just complain about life, I'm going to do something about it.
I'm taking positive action. And so should you! :)
Including hugging your friend/mom/teddy bear/nearest friendly dog.