May 28, 2008 15:51
Earlier this morning, I was pondering the likelihood of someone personally getting hit by a rock/a rock coming into the car if said person had their window rolled down. Obviously, rocks are occasionally flung up, but they usually hit windshields.
About half an hour later, I was driving in the left lane of the freeway with my window down about 1/3 of the way when lo and behold, a rock grazes the very top of my driver's side window and proceeds to travel into the car, and eventually hits me on the right corner of my mouth. Luckily it didn't do any face is still intact, and it really didn't hurt that much, but it scared the crap out of me. I find it odd that it happened when I was in the left lane, since all of the traffic (including semi trucks) was in the right lane. There was a car in front of me, but I don't think it was close enough to do anything. Hmm....
I better watch what I think about from now on...