So, Pennsic.
I know most of you will be skimming the play-by-play posts (seeing as there are so many), so I will attempt to distill my awesome week of Pennsic down to a fairly manageable size.
I'm making no promises, mind you.
(Some things will be left out, but they may pop up at disparate times throughout the next couple of weeks.)
But I do have pictures to make it easier.
First of all, the whole Attack Laurel thing -
evilapprentice, once I found out it was you who actually managed to put her face in the dirt upon greeting me, it all made sense. At first I was all "oh, WTF, what hath I wrought, I must be insane?!", but now I am all giggles. I have posted comments in your journal, but just in case, here it is again: Email me, I haz prezzies 4 U.
And, you are awesome. I hope your ankle heals quickly, and you were very much missed at the party.
As for the party - it went smashingly, especially for just being advertised on LJ. I am now firmly of the opinion that all parties need glow bracelets and candy cigarettes, even if it does mean that certain persons (*cough*
nq3x*cough*) hog all the picture glory and end up with their photo in the Pennsic Independent instead of me.
Fortunately, I have had my revenge by way of YouTube. Muahahahahaha.
It was MyBob's idea for the Land Snarks - we stuck "fins" on both Bobs' heads, and they toured the party, insulting everyone. That, coupled with the initial speeches (I'll post those tomorrow), entirely too much sugar manifested in odd shapes (thank you,
theodorad), and candy and glow bracelets, made for a raucous few hours, even though everyone was sober. Pictures:
Theo making food,
victoriapringle, who made the party possible, and sno-men. The building was made by His Majesty Atlantia,
sinclairhawkins, and is awesome.
Snarks in action, Big Tobacco, and the Dean's coat...
And some pictures of my guests (I love you all), including a really gorgeous one of
I honestly could not pick out a best outfit to give the prize to - you were all amazing. My deepest apologies, but y'all rock in the rockingest rocky way possible (rock. rock. rock), so no-one gets the prize. However, for those that wish to have a commemorative tote bag or t-shirt, they will be going on sale at my zazzle store next week. I'll post links then.
If you want more pics from the party, check the gallery marked "Pennsic 2008" in my pictures.
Going back a bit (to Sunday), Gardiner's processed into Court like a wild bunch of super-cool organized pike-type people for the opening ceremonies. We even got the honour of being up front, leading their Majesties in.
eleanors_closet had designed and made up flags for the populace to wave, and I dodged in and out of the pike line, collecting and handing out flags - essentially, playing chicken with the pikes, while
sinclairhawkins opined that I would probably lose that particular game.
I agreed, but survived. It looked awesome, from the garters I painted, to the fact that the drum kept people in time.
More pictures, natch:
(a not really very good panoramic shot of them.)
My favourite shot of Bob, and a couple of others:
Camping with both Vair and Ermine and Gardiner's is so delightfully drama-free, that I quake in fear of ever having to camp anywhere else. Entirely debunking the idea that authenticity enthusiasts are anything like Attack Laurels, I caught the Pike at one of their favourite games, pick-up-sticks:
...and later in the week, we even managed to get down to Willow point to get a picture of us under the willow we planted almost 15 years ago (when we camped there, it had no willow, so we planted one, with permission):
We had a lovely surprise, in that
cathgracegot put on vigil for, then received her Laurel, in our camp - we got a couple of the best pictures of the day, I think:
Contemplation before, and family after. What could be better?
I spent some delightful times hanging out in the Vortex of Evil[TM]; by all accounts, my stuff even sold fairly well - very well for a first-timer, they tell me. I am just happy anything sold, and will be joining the Vo'E for Holiday Faire.
The weather cooperated mightily for the entire week, though we did have a couple of rain scares, and a truly spectacular weather phenomenon on Thursday morning - for a little while, it looked like Armageddon was coming for us over the battlefield. I got some really awesome (in the correct sense of the word) pictures:
And then, the sunshine came out, and it was beautiful, just in time for
cathgrace's elevation:
And on the last night, we played for all comers in the V&E common tent;
nq3x is far too flattering when he says I have musical talent, but I do enjoy it. We had a great time, and I would love to do it again. And copies of arrangements and compositions will be on their way to certain people soon.
Best Pennsic ever. Clearly, I will never be able to go again; nothing can ever match this one.