spider update:
Got a new grass spider living in a small tank, name is Sweetbird. She is happy, has spun a nice funnel, and eats like an eight legged pig.
Mister Spider is healthy and eating well, too. I think he may be preparing for a molt.
a construction worker handed me another wolf spider that I put in my backyard due to lack of jars.
another garden orb weaving spider took over Smartass's web. She is bigger, meaner, and more skittish. I think she may have eaten smartass.
If you have a spider that you want me to come and get, contact me! Requirements include:
- You must live in an immediate Chicago suburb or, if you live in Decatur, IL, you must be willing to wait up to a month.
- Spider must be 1 inch long or more, from the base of his body to his head. (Not including legs)
- You CANNOT call me about a dead spider.
- Do not kill spider before I get there. Do not attempt to capture spider until I get there, to prevent undue stress on the critter.
- Please don't call me about anything except spiders. I will not mess with a centipede, cicada, ect.
- I will not be paid to remove a spider.
- If you wanna help me out, please provide a container that is 100% see-through, with a lid. Size depends on spider!
All spiders will be taken to my yard and released, or kept through the winter for further study! Thanks guys! Note me if you have any good spiders and PLEASE read the rules beforehand!