first day of schoo'

Aug 27, 2007 21:25

REAL day, anyways- Friday was the official, 18-minute-long-classes first day. Morons.

...anywho, it was interesting. It's nice to be a senior, and have the uncanny ability to identify-a-freshman. Not that it's hard. They are leetler and leetler every freekin year!! so, it went like this:

Period 1: I tolerated a ton of bullcrap from a teacher I've had before and will never stop despising...I tell ya- by seventh period, that class was switched. No way I can handle ANY more jaroski shiz! She spits coffee, flings things, has a dangerous obsession with post-it-notes, repeats with increasing part? We are seniors, and she is having the class make....GREEK PUPPETS AND FACES FOR THE PLAYS Medea AND The Trial and Death of Socrates. Now. Does this seem a little.....juvi to you? Yes? Great.

BUT ALL IS WELL- I got transferred to a completely different class with muh best bud, Al. We read..."Lilith's Brood". If you like science fiction, I reccomend this book- otherwise...stay the hell away from it. Alien rape.

Period 2: Driver's Ed is FINALLY HAPPENING, after a botched sign-up sophomore year had me NOT placed in the class, and an extremely busy Junior year....So now, a senior, I shall learn to drive. Thankfully, I am a GOOD driver, and my teacher(s) seem to be delirious/fun. The classroom teacher politely refers to the Sophomore's as "walking hormones" or "little cesspools", she treats the juniors with casual indifference, and loves the only two seniors in the class because we shut everyone else up. also: MANIC about swatting the many fruit flies in the room. The lab/simulation guy, Kleckner, or "Klecky"....he is....uh. I dunno. He hacks his throat in the middle of sentences and eats pretzels....every waking hour of the day. You decide.

Period 3: Consumer Ed. Not much to say bout this except my teacher is Greek (Mastrodimos. Holy lord.), single, and despises small children. Also: 99.9% of my class are a load of morons. And I have a very large, pointy book. But that's ok- it is one of the few totally neccessary-for-everyday-life classes.

Period 4: Lunch. Normally, this would be self explanatory. But no. It's difficult, you see, because we now have a new system that involves our ID cards, a scanner that never works, and online payment systems. They've also switched the menu ingredients to "healthy choices", it was Snotcheez and Chips with a side of Ground Kitty. Also: all vending machines now only carry water and NO chocolate/candy/junkie chips. Fuck you guys.

Period 5: Ahh, Law. My teacher collects Buddha statues and odds and ends from Middle Eastern countries. Including a preserved cow foot with hooves splayed and ankle hollowed out so Pakistanis can drink TEA OUT OF IT. Awesome. Also- jailtour, ftw.

Period 6: Best period of the day! AP Portfolio class, with the coolest teacher in da world, Mister V. V-man. I need to complete 18 pieces for a portfolio by year's end (in photography), including 12 "block", or series pieces, and "breadth" pieces. Woohoo!! I'm all excited- AND I have...literally every single friend I've ever had in HS in that class. Seriously, not one is missing. This is AMAZING. there's like...12 of em. S'gonna be a kickass class. Starting Wednesday or so- my projects will involves LOTS of glasses/spectacles, the gel crystals from the inside of a diaper, spiders, spiders, spiders, and face painting. Lookout!!

Period 7: Study hall, but starting wednesday I become a library aid. This rocks ass, as I get free food and candy all the time. I've won "Best Aid" 3 years in a row, go me!! I love my library, and the ladies that work there, and, oddly enough, having a whole hour to myself to shelve and read and file and's nice.

Period 8: foods. This seems like it might be a redundant class for me, as I already know kitchen safety and most basics. But whatever, I get to make food and eat it.

...that is IT. It's a nice schedule.

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