Hai, Veronica. Saya Hanif, orang Indonesia asli (native). Saya senang berkenalan dengan anda. I speak English, but not so fluent. Jadi saya ingin sekali punya teman yang bisa diajk ngobrol, tukar pengalaman dan pengetahuan(sharing experience & knowledge) dan bertukar dalam belajar bahasa bersama (and learn each ather from language exchange). Saya
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Also, did you learn "belum" yet? It means "not yet" and is kinda the opposite of sudah.
so i could say something like, saya belum makan? and it would mean i haven't eaten yet? oh and what verb would i use to say i visit somewhere?
how the heck do you say ngobrol?
Visit is berkunjung.
You are totally on point with the use of belum! :D
i didn't realize they had that sound in indonesian (the "ng" at the beginning.) it looked so weird to me when i saw it.
and thank you!
how is your class going?
alright when somebody posts something on facebook (i have it in indonesian) it will say like, "6 menit yang lalu" for example. does yang lalu mean "ago"?
also (and you'll see this in a post from today) evan and i were trying to figure out how to say pirate. is "perompak" pirate? or piracy?
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