Meme time again

May 25, 2006 16:53

So, I was tagged for a couple of memes over the last few days which I finally now have time to do:

Well, it wasn't particularly scientific. I was hunting around for something Greek for my Sugar Quill user name on the grounds that it would be memorable but straightforward to spell. All the easy ones that I first thought of were taken - eurydice, persephone, atlanta - so I resorted to trusty Google. And came across Atropos, the third of the three Fates (together with Clotho and Lachesis) who cuts the threads of mortals' lives and thus determines their lifespans. I think I was having a bit of a grumpy week at the time so she appealed to my sense of inner darkness and that was that :) The 87 got added on the transition to LJ when atropos was already taken, and is a Sugar Quill reference.

I tag belita013, feylin17 and lyras for that one.

1. I have a slightly pathological need to wash my hair every day. I do this everywhere, including when camping in the middle of a field at festivals and also memorably when walking the Inca Trail.

2. I have a birthmark in the shape of a toadstool on the inside of my right forearm.

3. I fell down the stairs from the top right to the bottom when I was two years' old because I crawled up them, stood up on the top step and lost my balance. My mum thought I was dead because I didn't cry when I hit the bottom. Turns out I was just winded :)

4. When I was about 4 my grandad was babysitting for me and fell asleep, and I took the opportunity to eat about half a packet of his cigarettes. I was sick as a pig and he gave up smoking the next day. I didn't try another cigarette until I was 25.

5. I once got 100% in a Maths exam.

6. I have been known to eat mustard sandwiches when a trip to the supermarket was overdue

And a couple of things that happened to me this morning that I just wanted to share:

- Violet is getting more snuggly by the day and quite often has these little moments in the morning where she just must be stroked and it doesn't matter what else I am doing she needs stroking NOW! This can make it quite difficult to put my tights on, or whatever else I'm supposed to be doing, but is usually sweet and indearing. This morning however she took it a step too far. I had evidently ignored her for a millisecond too long while I was toweling myself dry from the shower and she proceeded to balance herself on the bedstead and take a flying leap towards me in a demand for cuddles. On contact she clearly realised that she hadn't thought it through and dug her claws into my naked thigh. Ouch! Luckily she let go pretty quickly so I only have one little scratch but it's in a rather uncomfortable place *eyeroll*

- On my walk to work this morning I caught sight of a poster for the film of the moment. Except there was a van partially obscuring it, so it read "The Da Vinci Cod". This made me laugh :)

OK, must get back to it. See y'all later.

memes, random, kitties

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