... sang in another one of
nickthetuba's concerts.
It was great, but Lordy it was challenging at points. We did Mozart's Mass in C Minor and the Requiem (on account of it being the 250th anniversary of the great man's death) with a *very* small choir. About 12 of us, in fact, plus soloists. This was all fine and good until we had split choirs, at which point I was one to a part on the second alto line. At was all a little bit *eep*y frankly but it went well and I think I did OK. Marion and Nick seemed pleased, which is all good.
Today I am achey in one of my shoulders though. That's what comes of holding a score up for nearly 2 days straight :/
*hugs* to all, and more *hugs* to those of you for whom things are not going too well at the moment.