glazed over, no not a donut

Dec 02, 2004 18:37

mmm glazed over eyes. yes, a result of lack of energy formulating from sleep deprivation. i just finished my homework for the night. only 1-17 for geometry tonight as compared to the 20-62 from last night. however i did have science which took oh-so-much time. long long conclusion, i'll tell you what. this week has gone well, much better than i anticipated last sunday night. but no more pms crazyness, just cramps so it's ok...somewhat. we finally had our singing test today in choir and i must say we rocked their pants off, not socks, pants. it was just that good. amazing what you can do with repetitive 'downs' and 'joshuas' huh? indeed. enough about school, no one cares. including me, except i do, but not in the sense that it's interesting. friday friday friday. i remember when i was younger my mom used to make me a fried egg every friday because they sound the same and it was our thing. i really felt like singing Christmas songs today, but the band was practicing and i was all alone and it just wasn't the same. 6th grade memories...i've been all nostalgic lately but not really in a bad way. ok i want to say more, and maybe i will later but i have to eat dinner. EVERYONE:

Innerveil Show

Saturday, December 4th

5pm for 5 dollars.

Bob's Java Jive  2102 South Tacoma Way (The big teapot)

you should come. everybody's doing it...there will be stickers. everyone likes stickers.
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