street light worshipper (six feet underground) lets pray

May 10, 2004 01:14

was readin over my journal the other day and it seems like the only time i write in this thing is when things arent goin my way and life has seem to have gotten the better of me. Came to the startling conclusion the other day that the past is behind me, cant change a god damn thing that has happened, but i can learn from it and try to make myself a better person out of it. I cant waste my life feelin sorry, too many things to accomplish before i die and i dont want to spend the entire time thinkin what could have been. Time to just stand myself up and move on with my life and accept the changes that are brought my way. And with that said . . . . . I think i need to write a book. I want to put my life on paper and sell it. Also im think about re-writing the bible because all these religions these days have got it all wrong. a new version of the bible that will make jesus *black* christ himself roll over in his grave. a tragedy needs to happen soon to restore order in this goddamn town.

you are coming home soon, you will have the greatest welcoming party at your doorstep. you know im writing a book about you. Well, not all about you but the main character is centered around you and your ideas. Its a bit of a religious type book, your character kinda dies in the middle of it, but believe me, you are not forgotten. people tend to worship you day and night, and pray to you that they will one day be rich and prosperous, you should just tell them that they are tryin to hard and its just a big waste of time, but thats not what they want to hear. and with that(denoumont)i give you the secret to life itself
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