Hey, it's a reading list. I've been reading! Apparently I read more when I'm writing, which is interesting. It's like it's a procrastination technique. Anyway. Life has been pretty crazy lately, but I have been working on some stuff and hope I will get back to my Fiftyish Days Of Fic very soon. Possibly tomorrow.
Anyway! After a very long hiatus, here is a reading list. This month's acronyms: HP, James Bond, Bones, VM, BtVS/AtS, Firefly, BSG, SN, TWW, GA, House, Deadwood, Gilmore Girls, and the usual assortment of miscellaneous RPF and cracktastic crossovers. These are not quite recs, but they're closer than they have been in the past; I have no patience these days, and won't finish a story I don't enjoy. (Unless I somehow get tricked into it, which happens more often than you'd think.) I've also added another # to my little system, so the stories are now none (finished it), one (liked it), two (really liked it), and three (omg loved it). Though I'm not sure I actually gave anything three. Who knows.. Also, I need to get MUCH better about feedback. I lose at feedback.
ETA: I just realized it's been ages since I did this and many of you may have no idea what the hell I'm talking about. Every month I post a list of the fic I've read, primarily so I can keep track and so when someone says, "hey, I once read this fic about..." I can usually find it. I'm hugely anal this way, and for some reason, keeping these lists works better for me than, say, del.icio.us. (Which I also use, and keep meaning to post about.) Anyway.
Harry Potter
Snape: The Home Fries Nazi |
pir8fancier | NC-17 | Severus/Harry | When Harry defeats Voldemort, the Death Eaters lose their magic. Snape decamps to the United States, where he becomes a fry cook in a diner. Seven years after Voldemort's defeat, Harry comes to him for advice. | ##
Splinter |
sansa1970 | NC-17 | Severus/Harry | Harry's still determined to save the world. Snape's determined to accept it as it is. | ##
Contrapasso | rexluscus | NC-17 | Severus/Harry | contrapasso, n. the ironic cosmological law ensuring that "the punishment fits the crime." | #
[x] This Boy's Life |
pir8fancier | NC-17 | Severus/Harry | Post war. Snape as Scheherazade. | #
The Augurey Cries at Midnight |
kerrymdb | R | Snape/Tonks | Everyone in the Order thought she was love sick, weak, unhinged even. They all underestimated her. No one had the slightest idea that she has been working secretly with Dumbledore and Snape for the past ten months.
The Horse Whisperer |
ishafel | G | Lucius, Severus | From A Brief History of the Malfoy Family. There are things we do out of duty, and things we do for love.
Feeling |
aucta_sinistra | PG-13 | Remus/Harry, Severus/Harry | You don’t get invited to funerals. You see the notice in the paper, and you know whether you’re welcome or not. | #
Secret Moon |
klynie1 | PG | Remus | Eleven-year-old Remus Lupin is determined to make it through Hogwarts one moon at a time. Tonight's the first. | #
Worship |
legomymalfoy | NC-17 | James/Sirius | The one in which there is James, Sirius, a Nun, and the misuse of the kneeler in a pew.
I Shot Down the Moon For You |
hackthis | PG-13 | Draco/Neville | The problem with being dead is that it tends to confuse Draco’s circadian rhythms horribly. | #
Focus |
schemingreader | NC-17 | Severus/Neville | Slightly cracky Detention fic.
James Bond
Queen of Spades |
astolat | Casino Royale (2006) | R | Bond/M | "Bond," M said, as he paused in the doorway to hear her out, "the next time you do something like this will be once too many." | ##
New Years' Resolutions |
manic_intent | Casino Royale | NC-17 | Bond/Villiers | An MI6 New Years'.
Rings |
the_deep_magic | G | Booth/Brennan | Post-Christmas fluff.
Comfort Not Quite At A Distance |
m_jade8 | G | Hodgins, Brennan | There was no way she could turn him away, not so late at night, when even the warm and generous embrace of her best friend wasn't enough to give him the peace he needed.
Amidst the Chaos |
m_jade8 | PG | Booth/Brennan | When the dust clears, Booth's first instinct is to look for her, to forget about the rest of the squint squad because he needs to find her and see with his own eyes that she is safe.
Applications |
tesla321 | G | Booth/Brennan | Agent Scully had a gun. | ##
Seeley Booth's Bones |
dsudis | PG | Brennan | They're good, sturdy, solid bones. They would have lasted Booth another forty years easily. | ###
On Ice |
dsudis | PG | Booth/Brennan | Gooshy ice skating fluff. | ##
Partners of a Different Kind |
retro_grade | PG-13 | Booth/Brennan | In the end, after all of the dancing and the denial, it was easy. | ##
Without Knowing Why |
featherjean | G | Booth/Brennan | (drabble)
Veronica Mars
Can't Feel A Thing |
musesfool | Adult | Logan/Veronica | Veronica can't feel a thing. | (drabble)
Memento Mori |
musesfool | PG | Veronica | That's not Lilly. | (drabble)
Like Oxygen, But Less Corrosive |
cadhla | PG | Logan/Veronica | Logan and Veronica are friends. This wasn’t easy to achieve, and Mac has some commentary on the situation. | ##
Gratitude |
simon | PG-13 | Mac/Parker, Mac/Veronica | Mac’s never been good with affection that’s not disguised as something else. | #
Veronica Mars Is My Secret Girlfriend (And Other Lies You Tell Yourself) |
maybedarkpink | PG-13 | Mac/Beaver, Mac/Veronica | You’re a blue haired bi computer wiz, and you used to doodle all over your notebooks, Veronica Mars is my secret girlfriend, until you’d tear the paper to pieces trying to erase the lie away. | ##
If the Fates Allow |
bigboobedcanuck | NC-17 | Logan/Veronica | Christmas reuinion fic. | ##
Stars, Lakes and Snow |
bittersweet_99 | PG | Mac/Cassidy | She makes him remember. She makes him forget.
Lost and Found |
simon | PG | Mac/Veronica | Everything is going to be okay.
Take Your Time |
leucocrystal | PG-13 | Logan/Veronica, Keith | Keith doesn't know how to look at or touch his daughter for the first time in his life. | ##
Curiosity |
paranoidkitten | PG | Veronica/Mac | You want to know what the rest is like. | #
In a Manner of Speaking |
boyfriendincoma | Wallace/Veronica | Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over. | #
R.E.M. |
leucocrystal | PG-13 | Logan/Veronica | Start with the gunshot on the rooftop, and work your way to the next evening. Logan experiences some heavy dreams, chronicling his life and his relationship with Veronica. | ##
Things You Don't Learn From Books |
wisteria_ | NC-17 | Logan/Veronica | "You expected it to be different." | #
Burn Inside of Me |
miss_begonia | NC-17 | Logan/Veronica | Set about a month after the (S1) finale. | ##
Who Was Crying Or What They Were Crying For |
sadiekate | PG-13 | Logan/Veronica | If she’s learned anything in five years, it’s that you can’t run from your problems. Even if they’re smaller from a distance, they’re still there. | #
Stay |
__tiana__ | R | Logan/Veronica | Logan makes a late-night call to Veronica.
Scattered Dreams |
erin2326 | PG | Logan/Veronica | A dream world.
Under Control |
cinamindreams | PG-13 | Wallace, Veronica | Veronica thinks she's got everything under control. Wallace doesn't agree.
California Sky |
ishtaritu | G | Giles | A day in the life.
Brighter than Sunshine |
sgs-ramblings | M | Spike/Xander | Afterglow
Palimpsest |
glimmergirl | R | Buffy/Giles | Buffy/Giles, Buffy instigates; s2/3; library; because Giles needs petting. | #
Epiphany |
whos_thatgirl | PG-13 | Mal/Inara | Kaylee had insisted that all the decorations in the mess stay up until the twelfth day of Christmas.
Battlestar Galactica
Five Times Kara Thrace Didn't Kill the Cylon Model Known As Leoben Conoy |
boyfriendincoma | PG | Kara, Leoben | Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, the best thing would to have never been born at all. | ###
It's a Younger Generation Thing |
theshatnerstyle | PG-13 | Ellen/Starbuck | (drabble)
Sports Night
Hang on Tooth and Nail |
luzdeestrellas | R | Dan/Dana | Danny has always loved Dana's voice, the only thing apart from Casey that means home and being right where he's meant to be. | #
West Wing
5 Ways CJ Retaliates When Josh Pisses Her Off |
xanthophyllippa | PG | CJ, Josh | (f-locked) | #
Grey's Anatomy
Time Clock of the Heart |
yahtzee63 | PG | Denny/Izzie | Izzie's the first person that Denny just wanted to make happy. | ##
Changing the Size of Your Soul |
hackthis | PG-13 | Alex/Callie | As hot as Callie is, Alex actually respects her. He wants her to be happy, so he doesn't make a move on her, and instead they just hang out. | #
Water and Logic and Hunger |
voleuse | PG-13 | Izzie/Callie/Addison | You are, he said, beautiful. / That is not love, she said rightly. | #
In Which Chase Wants to Talk and House Wants to Screw |
violet_quill | NC-17 | House/Chase | It's some random Christmas Eve in the past or future, and well, the title pretty much covers it. | #
a night in london on your escape to paris |
fated_addiction | NC-17 | Cuddy/Cameron | apocafic. | #
Thy Best, Thy Heavenly Friend |
somniesperus | Mature | Al/Seth | Al Swearengen and Seth Bullock didn't quite finish their little talk. | ##
Gilmore Girls
Boston Marriage |
jae_w | PG-13 | Paris/Rory | Paris has a proposal. | ##
Imprimatur |
mosca | PG | Paris/Rory | They're sharing a room now, so they really ought to rent out the spare. | #
Miscellaneous RPS/RPF
Wiggling Eyebrows Can Be a Precursor To Cheating |
meltyoudown | R | Mary-Louise Parker/Kate Walsh | Mary-Louise can't seem to control Kate's body, and she's pretty sure she doesn't want to.
Cracktastic Crossovers
Close Your Eyes and Think of England |
monimala | Casino Royale (2006)/Veronica Mars | R | James/Veronica | This guy was totally a spy. | ###
Jézabel |
musesfool | Veronica Mars / Angel | PG | Lilly/Lilah | The lawyer Lilly's father is meeting with isn't the usual run of corporate suit.
The Elizabeth Blackwell Society |
callalillykaye | West Wing / Grey's Anatomy | PG | Amy Gardner / Addison Shepherd | We are the co-founders of the Elizabeth Blackwell, and even if we were shoveling shit on the sidewalk, we’d still be the two most unbelievably fabulous women who ever lived.
That Teenage Feeling |
mosca | BtVS / HP | NC-17 | Rupert Giles / Remus Lupin | Two Englishmen meet in a strange city, share a drink, and cast several spells. | ##
Falling Without a Parachute |
musegaarid | Good Omens / James Bond | R | Crowley/James | James Bond is having a hell of a time in his most controversial adventure. | #
O fuge te tenerae puerorum credere turbae |
ladycat777 | AtS / Rome | NC-17 | Connor/Octavian | He'll have that knowledge. He'll have this boy completely, and he'll use him, mind and body, to get what he wants.
Fifteen Percent Concentrated Power of Will |
musesfool | Supernatural / BtVS | Adult | Dean/Faith | In which Dean and Faith fuck, and Sam has an existential crisis. | ##
Five places in which Alex didn't belong, and one place from which he can't escape |
whisp | Grey's Anatomy / Dead Like Me | PG | Alex | "Natural causes is one of the nicer assignments for a reaper. Especially in a hospital. No chasing anyone down, everyone's got a nametag. Nice gig." | #
...With Benefits |
fox1013 | Battlestar Galactica / Desperate Housewives | R | Ellen/Edie | Edie is a slut.