(no subject)

Oct 26, 2009 21:58

Another weekend like that. Since they started up, it's gone through every weekend of the month now. I'm wondering if the cycle is over, or they'll end up restarting it again, and if there will be a different pattern. Usually, I don't bother to comment on the nature of the curses, but after they've changed over time, there may be a reason for it revealed. Is there something revealed in the spontaneity of making us wonder what we'll face? Will it be difficult to come against them as time goes on? Are they really keeping with the unknown if we're not facing anything that's new? Many of the curses are ones we've seen before. Changing gender, becoming younger, becoming older ... If we've seen it with our friends, is it any different if we experience it ourselves?

And then, of course, there is the fact that we apologize. Some of us have things to apologize for. We hurt each other. Others, if you're put in a relatively normal transformation, you still find yourself needing to explain your unusual transgressions. It's confusing. Are they trying to breed guilt? Confusion? Unhappiness?

Like I said, I usually don't bother. Usually, I'm looking out for people I care for, but I've found myself missing people. In a way, I hoped some losses would be temporary, as they tend to be. Is that wrong? But we all have a ground to build up for.

At least, for now, I can say I've got my family. Or most of it. In a place like this, it's the only place to start.

angel investigations | unhackable

In case it was missed, we have a confirmed gender for Grell: Definitely male, but with the "heart of a woman." Take that as you will. The confusion was apparently flattering.
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