Jan 01, 2008 12:12
So this will be the year I turn 27. It's kind of stunning, really. What else will it bring? 2007 was the year I delved into work full throttle at HKT. We moved to a new warehouse, a new store, and we even built our own offices. With four months of my life lost in that move, it caused me to do little else in my life, except perhaps a few drinking binges with Dave and Sara, and a few fun nights of dancing at Mahoney's.
This past year I did start doing a few good things: I started eating healthier on occasion. I began baking my own bread, pizza and even cooked fish for the first time (when we had cooking gas). I also started going to the dentist again, and got my teeth back in line. A big step for me was getting more serious about running. I ran over a hundred miles this year, although I plan to shoot for 200 more in 2008. James is even talking marathon, and I'm not ruling that out.
Things I'm most proud of this year:
I learned about databases and built one to manage our accounts at HKT. This brought our company back into the 21st century, and I saw the results when we learned our company shot up a large percentage from previous years. I took a lot of flack from my friends for doing this work project largely on my own time, without much compensation. However, where I left college feeling under qualified for my field, I now feel more confident I could excel if I were to get a computer job outside HKT. To me, that's a huge step.
In 2006, I made a large amount of money working at conventions for HKT, but I walked into 2007 without any real concept of where I spent most of it. In 2007, I finally got off my duff and did something about that. Stepping into 2008, I have a small emergency fund, something that I feel is more important than any time in years past. I'm finally getting it through my head that I'm on my own now, and need to be responsible and prepared to handle life as it happens.
This year I also was in charge of my first convention. By that I mean I was the guy running our booth at Manga Next. It wasn't a huge con, but after always trying to take a back seat at shows, I stepped up and managed all the ins and outs while training someone new. As someone who was never a great leader in the past, it was sort of a milestone for me to go through with this.
Things I Regret
I did the math, and I spent over a month living out of hotels and doing conventions this year. I spent another 3 months in ivertime mode moving our warehouse. That hasn't left me with much time to spend with friends and myself. I regret that I spent most of the time being lazy and antisocial. I have watched more TV this year that I would care to admit, and gave up a lot of chances to get outside and be active. In 2006 I spent at least 3 days a week playing soccer until the sun went down. I hadn't felt so good in a long time. This year, they moved to a different location, and it caused me to hesitate in playing. That was lame. In general, I need to be more active in 2008, and I need to make the most out of every opportunity, even in the winter.
I wouldn't be honest if I didn't at least touch on the subject of women. In 2007, I went on a few dates, but I also kept up my streak of being irrationally picky and passing up more opportunities with women than perhaps I should have. As someone who's not been in many relationships, I can't say I haven't had the opportunities. I feel like JD from Scrubs, always finding something silly to distance me from the women I meet. The difference is he finds them after he starts dating them, and I do it before even one date. Perhaps I simply need to get out more and meet the right women, but finding the right places to get out will be the trick.
Despite my past few outings, the bar really isn't my scene. I only enjoyed Mahoney's so much the first time (for Heather's Birthday) because I was with many friends, and I was able to dance without the intention of anything but having a good time. Of course, on that night one of the hottest girls in the place danced with me (which was awesome), but I really did make too big a deal out of it. Perhaps it's also a sign that I've been sick ever since I went there. I'm just not the bar type. While I love to dance when I've had some to drink, I would never want to go to a bar to meet people.
That brings me to perhaps my last big regret: I miss talking and philosophizing with people. Ever since I've graduated college, I have been making less and less time to really have great conversations with people. Life is becoming a greater proportion of small talk. In that sense, I feel that I'm losing part of myself. I've always loved to talk about things, get other people's viewpoints, and learn about things important and interesting things. The last time I can remember doing that on any level was in a bar at Sarah Personic's Birthday Party, and before that perhaps months ago with Andrew Canaday.
Speaking of Andrew, My last regret for this post is that after a year and a half of development, Andrew and I put our game on hold indefinitely. Part of that was my fault, as I focused all my passion into my database for HKT. I seem to be a one project man, and as a result, I contributed less and less on the game as 2007 progressed.
All in all, 2007 was a good year with a few missteps, but I've already started to get back on track for 2008. Simply getting back into my LJ (we'll see if it lasts) should help me start to get back to analyzing my life, not to mention getting back into writing and thinking about things great and small. Perhaps this year I'll be able to use some of that money I've saved up to go someplace new, hopefully with several of my friends. There's been talk of Europe or the Pacific Northwest, but as long as some of you guys are involved, I'm up for an adventure. In the end, I really hope to see more of everyone in 2008. As I look back, I've been more myself the more friends I had around to share life with. Here's hoping for a great 2008.