Early Birthday for Undou Onchi

Jan 08, 2010 15:19

I know it's a little early for a birthday post but I want to spare people's friend lists from another birthday-icon-spam-post. So this is an early celebration for the birth of our beloved rapper, Sakurai Sho. ♥

Of course, like any other birthdays, I made many many icons for the public. :) Uh, these icons are very Sho-centric (like always) but I tried to balance them out making icons of the rest of them. I apologize for anyone who does not approve of my bias towards Sho.

Oh, I'll also take this opportunity to tell you something funny I encountered. So after Christmas, my family and I went to San Francisco to buy some food. We were walking in Chinatown when I saw this wall painting on an apartment. I started laughing like an idiot in front of Chinese elders. Why? Because this is what I saw:

Okay, so it doesn't look like anything to be astonished about but that's because I haven't close-up the picture yet.

Here's a closer look:

Doesn't that look like someone we all idolize? Haha. I thought it was a scene from Iwo Jima or something. I guess not. Either way, it really made my day.

Oh and also, I met some Arashi fans outside the Japantown mall so if you were that girl with the Sho uchiwa, comment me! I haven't met a big Arashi fan outside the internet before!

Sorry, you must be bored about my dull story and whatnot, I know what you people are here for. Icons. Well, here you go;

I present to you, a Sakurai Sho Birthday icon batch.

Haha, it wasn't as much as I thought!

But here are the rest of the goodies


Uhm, credits are nice but not mandatory.
Comments are welcomed and loved.

Thanks to everyone who've been telling me how much they love the icons I made. It makes me feel really good and I know without Photoshop, I can't compete with all those other awesome icon-makers just knowing that people do use my icons is happiness for me.

Please continue to support me by sending any requests or comments or messages or whatever. :D
I don't know why I'm so happy today since next week is finals and I'm going to bomb Precal cuhs I forgot everything unless someone wanna teach me half-life and logs and all that nasty stuff again ...

I've been on Sho-mode this week. Feels good. :D

daily ramblings, birthday, icons, arashi

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