This batch is filled with Aiba goodness so any Aiba-fans should be very happy!
Oh, and it's also Christmas Eve for some of you guys huh? So how was it? Get a lot of presents? Big Family Feast? TELL ME ABOUT YOUR CHRISTMAS DAMMIT!
My Christmas is going great so far! I got my Time concert DVD and I squealed like a retard. Along with my newly bought Kendama which I promise I will master it ;) And I got a fairly large amount of gifts from friends and family so I'm pretty happy with how this year ended.
The only way to make this year the best is if Arashi shows up on my doorstep to ask for directions or something
Anyways, I should really get back to the icons huh? I know you guys don't really read my ramblings and rants anyways ...
Comments are loved. Credits are appreciated, not required. Don't claim as your own or someone's gonna get shot. And requests are just as lovely.
Here are other icons because I couldn't help myself :)
Ohmiya Christmas anyone?
Sakurai's foreign look. (God, I love this episode)
Some random ones.
Okay, and now, a little extra goodness to satisfy your hunger for a good laugh.