Decisions Decisions

Aug 10, 2011 22:13

Characters: The Guthrie Family
Date&Time: August 6th, nightfall
Setting: Hourly-Rate Hotel
Summary: Another snap-snot into the lives of the GOOD GUYS
Rating: could be worse.
Status: CLOSED

"Aero can fight." Sam reminded everyone once again. He had stated this several times since the night before- when she had not shown up after their last sweep. Though they had no way to contact her, or any way to tell what was going on inside, it didn't take too long for them to figure out what happened to their baby sister. "She's strong, smart- smarter than all of us anyway, and knows where we are. She'll find us."

They all had seated themselves around the table, Lizzie's hotel style pot-roast warming on the hot-plate, maps and diagrams already laid claim to the wall. They had not been in that particular room for more than a day, but to the untrained eye their efforts looked to be the compilation of months of surveillance. The eldest three were not foreigners to the Mansion, and Jeb had taken his time to find the meter and check the wiring. It was his way to assist in this stage of a job, and the best way to get an idea for the location. The most basic fact of the modern culture was that where there was life, there was electricity. It had taken him a good part of the night before, but now there was a diagram of the walls inside, and every light switch and outlet a boy's heart could muster. They were prepared, they were ready, the plans were being made...

They were just missing Melodie.

"I say we screw this new mutant, just get in- get Mels and get the fuck out." Lizzie offered, circling what they assumed to be a stair-way downstairs. Only the odd light bulbs hung down there, yet it was reasonable to think it expanded the size of the facility. "If it were you Sam, I know that's what we'd be doing."

Her brother’s immediate reply with his thumb to his eyes, massaging away the stupidity he thought of as his sister's plan. Jessica spoke up instead, removing the pen from Elizabeth's hand and began to draw her own lines in and out of the structure. "We can't go in with all their hellions blazing, but what we're all forgetting is the unknown element. The 'X' Mutant, if you were. We could take them all out, bag 'm and tag 'em and Mutant X would still be there- waiting and watching for us. No. We have to have Mels here to show us what she found.”

Elizabeth countered, “And when will that happen? Hrm? When Erik has diced her up or Phoenix has scrambled her brains and Havok does thing that no girl her age should have done? You know those stories as well as I. Hell. Isn’t that half of the stories at Halloween parties anymore? What happens when you get caught by the enemy?” Lizzie was always the more spirited of the family, the one who could get everyone amped up for a skirmish, the one who could steal the men’s hearts at a gala so they could buy their souls the next morning. She was energy, movement and the idea that her elder sister (if only by 11 months) had decided for the group to wait was abhorrent to her.

“Perhaps we should vote.” Jeb offered from his corner of the table. The suggestion was met by all sets of eyes, their expressions varied from shock to disgust to out-right jubilation.

“Yes! Exactly! A vote. I vote we go and get our fucking sister back.” Lizzie agreed.

Sam was the one to shoot her down. “Wont work this time. There is only four of us.” The thought made him sick, and the fact that this was all his decision bothered him as well. Jessie had a point- Melodie could get out of ugly situations, he had confidence in her to do that even if she never had cause before. And it was that lack of cause for her to try in the past that made him so hesitant.

He actually began to dig for a quarter when thankfully, mercifully, there was a knock at the door.

Melodie Ann Guthrie stood in the door frame, bloodied, broken, and triumphant.

“I know how to get the new mutant.”

au!jay guthrie, au!lizzie guthrie, au!jeb guthrie, au!sam guthrie, au!melodie guthrie

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