Lead Us Through

Aug 10, 2011 18:26

Characters: SURPRISE!, Emma Frost, & Erik
Date&Time: August 10/evening
Setting: Erik's Office
Summary: Victor von Doom has heard what's going on.
Rating: emma made it dirty.
Status: Open to Erik

Erik Lehnsherr was one of the few mutants alive that Victor had complete respect for. This respect was derived from their similar backgrounds from countries torn apart by men and organizations that thought they could trample smaller societies. They assumed that smaller countries mean they were weaker. Both he and Erik had proved them wrong repeatedly. They had only met briefly before, but it was enough to understand that they wanted the same things ultimately, even if they went about it different ways.

This--the mutual respect he had for 'Magneto'--was the reason he had made the trip to the X-Men's Mansion. Victor hardly ever ventured out of his homeland, aside from stopping Reed from making horrible choices of course, but this newest development required a trip.

The moment he stepped into the school, however, Emma greeted him rather than Erik. "Miss Frost," Victor commented respectfully, though his expression gave nothing away.

The blond stared at him for a moment, reading his mind, and finally seemed satisfied. "You've been busy lately," she commented. "Dr. Richards and his family have sure been giving you trouble."

"They simply forget where their loyalties should lie," Victor countered somewhat indifferently.

Emma studied him for a moment more, then nodded towards the hallway. "He's in his office. I trust we won't have any issues with the armor you're wearing beneath that trench-coat of yours, Victor?"

"I'm not here to shock any of the students if that's what you're asking," he remarked, turning without a second glance towards her to make his way down the hall to Erik's office. Lifting a metal-covered hand, he knocked on the office door before opening it. "Have a moment?"

au!doctor doom, !completed, au!erik lehnsherr, au!emma frost

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