Title: Late Author:evil_jeannie75 Rating: T Spoilers: None Summary: Sheppard and McKay are late coming back from an off world mission. Everyone is worried...especially Cadman. Late
TITLE: Vala Goes to Atlantis CHAPTER TITLE: Vala and Rodney in The Furry Creature-That-Could Meets the Silent Movie of Doom CHAPTER: 1/? AUTHOR: evil_jeannie75WORD COUNT: 1,419
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TITLE: Ranting AUTHOR: Evil_Jeannie75 CHARACTERS: Rodney,Sheppard RATING: PG-13 gen GENRE: drabble WORD COUNT: 457 SPOILERS: None SUMMARY: Rodney hates Cadman. Why does Rodney hate Cadman? DISCLAIMER: I do not own Stargate Atlantis. Ranting