Jack set up shop in the conference room with the large screen. There was some discussion of setting up a schedule so people could use the large screen for movies and the like in the evenings. For now, though, it gave Jack the perfect work environment for looking at details on video captures without making his headache worse.
He started with the flyover of the Mainland )
He pulled up the video record, laying the scanner data alongside, and started to play it. "You'll see here, as you've crested the mountains, right... there." He paused the display after a couple of seconds, watching them both squint. "Let me enhance it." He hit a few buttons and the image enlarged and became clearer, revealing several shapes under the vegetation. "You'll note the scanner readings indicate a number of materials similar to those used on Atlantis itself. Now, some natural phenomena will result in straight lines like you can see here, but wouldn't account for the particular arrangement... nor the materials indicated." Jack leaned back. "Also, if this were a present-day set-up rather than several thousand years old, I'd tell you these aren't likely to be habitations. This is the sort of arrangement you see in outlying factories, powerplants, nuclear weapons manufacturing, or chemical or biological manufacture-- the sort of facilities people don't choose to live close to. God only know what they were manufacturing or whether there's anything there anymore, but whatever it was, they wanted it on the Mainland rather than in the city."
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