Sean leaned against the railing, staring out over the vista of the city spread out before him. So much to explore, to learn. And I can't 'officially' do anything. Well, at least they can't stop me from thinking. At least, not yet. He sighed, pushing back from the railing as he heard footfalls approaching. Someone running, from the cadance. He hoped it wasn't one of the military. He knew that Dr. Beckett had sidelined himself and David, but they hadn't confined them to quarters, nor saddled them with an 'escort'. Not yet. Maybe it hasn't occured to them yet. Maybe your little jaunt just did that. Nice going, Sean. He turned towards the entrance to the city as the footfalls grew louder, tensing in anticipation. Relax, you've done nothing, he tried to console himself.
David swung into view, jogging down the hallway. Sean stared, open mouthed, as he ran three steps, head turning to spot Sean out on the balcony. He slowed, grinding to a halt, then turning to face Sean, who couldn't resist looking David up and down. His track pants defined lean legs, his sleeveless shirt clinging damply to his torso. A tuft of chest hair poked out above the collar of his shirt, and drops of sweat formed on his forehead. Sean swallowed, then offered him a weak wave. "Hey," he said.