Oct 23, 2007 23:23
John walked into the gateroom along with his geeks, nodding to the marines standing guard at the entrance. The lab had turned up some results, but nothing immediately useful. McKay and Zelenka had made noises about turning the containment unit into some kind of Ghost Busters portable trapper device, and left minions working in the labs on that while they brainstormed alternative ideas. On the other hand, there was some good news, in that trick of shutting down reactors was still keeping the creature moving and well away from the city's population - although it was still playing hell with the power grid, and there was no telling how long it would keep that behavior up.
As they slowly trudged up the stairs, John said, "We need to find some kind of solution. Sooner or later this thing's going to get pissed, or something important's going to break."