hello city of guelph, i am in love with you. siobhan and i, and siobhan's friend meg went out to lunch in downtown guelph at the corner stone mmm. there is a record store called daydream nation which basically makes me want to melt in a cloud of sonic youth wonderfulness. it's so fucking nice there; it's got glorious nature and actual things to do, and is full of hippies and ridiculously good-looking men. and rent is dirt cheap so i want to move there some day. soon.
we also went to the aberfoyle flea market (where i saw bitch lissa, ruined my summer oh god i hate her) and i bought sweet owl earrings, and a sweet cigarette case that will hopefully hold some legal joints in the next couple of weeks. then at grasshopper i bought wool slippers that will be worn as shoes because who really cares, and they are awesome.
i am going to try my best to deprive myself of a nap tonight cos i haven't fallen asleep before six in the morning any day this week and i think i'm actually going nuts.
10:18pm hey i just woke up from a nap. fuck. i just want to go back to guelph someone drive me and leave me there.