Book 2, Chapter 2: Submit

Aug 19, 2007 19:51

All was well at BSSU.

Well, almost. Some crazy professor obsessed with the concept of time travel, apparently, had a breakthrough: A time machine, of sorts. With a shining, expectant look on his face, he pressed the button, and-boom.

Something wasn't right. There was a large, swirling black hole in front of him, and out from it stepped... something he'd never seen before. Something... indescribable. Shiny, box-like, glittering-it looked worse than the Fire Nation's newest weapons.

Over the next few hours, more strange creatures popped out of the black hole, sputtering black smoke and making clanking sounds. A large, bird-like thing came flying out, and it seemed to have a million eyes in its sides. And it must've had a huge lunch, because the professor swore by his degree that he'd seen people inside, people dressed in strange fashions. And there was something like a tank, only smaller and with four wheels, and people were inside of that, too.

Whatever it was, it looked scary, and he didn't like it. The Fire Nation army was called in to attempt to fight back these strange creatures, and, for fear of their future empire being destroyed, Fire Lord Ozai complied and sent troops. Yet... these strange creatures didn't seem to mean any harm.

The world was left very, very confused, and even moreso when these strange people from another land explained that these things were called airplanes and cars and robots and whatnot. And when weird-looking buildings started popping out of the black hole, too, and crashing down on whatever empty space they could find.

But, despite the confusion, these strange machines began to work their way into their lives...


says, "Ooo, ooo! Who wants to go riding on one of those "cars" with me?! :DDD"

says, "Bah, who needs "electricity" when you've got lightning?!"

says, "Oh... Oh my... you mean I can make a cabbage smoothie in just seconds with these... "blenders"?!"

says, "*stares at hunter's rifle* ...munch? ;~~~~~~~;"

says, "Wow! These new inventions are amazing!"

says, "So, you're saying that, with these videocameras, I can obsessively stalk Li even more--I mean, err, record valuable memories?"

says, "Eeeeeee! Let's go take pictures, guys! ^.^V"

says, "I dunno... all that smoke can't be good."

says, "*using Ummi's face* Oooo, so I can curl and straighten my hair with these things?! *switches to Noh mask* I mean... uh... Don't laugh or I'll steal your face. SERIOUSLY."

says, "Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I just don't like all these new things."

says, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but... I'm not bored."

says, "*pokes TV* Cheep cheep?"

says, "Saaaaay, Suki, how 'bout you and me going to see a movie, huh? *waggles eyebrows*"

says, "...Fine, but I get to pick."

says, "Whoa, these fighter jet things are amazing! *zooms around*"

says, "Hey, you gotta listen to this iPod thing!"

say, "*swim around in a new, shiny fishtank*"

says, "*pushes Suki away* Oh, no, Sokka, I think Suki is too busy training in that gym thing... How about going with me? *flutters eyelashes*"

says, "*confused* ...zukogetslaid? What?"

● = Needs to submit | ● = Has submitted


Mysterious Bundle

The shopkeeper says, "Ugh, remind me to never give out anything for free again! *grumbles* Well, here's some leftover junk. I've gotta get my money back somehow..."
Please refer to the FAQ for details on each item.

Since everyone submitted last week, everyone is eligible for the free draw. Basically, you pick a number from 1 to 50, and you'll be awarded with whatever item is associated with that number. (I've already made lists.)

You can win all seven healing items, as well as other helpful items. Or, you can win nothing at all, or even get an elbow leech, which will add two marks to your total. :( More information can be found in the FAQ.

Technology-it's everywhere. The only thing you have to do this week is show something modern, like an airplane, car, iPod, Transformers robot, etc. incorporated into an Avatar screencap. Basically, you're doing a bit of photomanipulation. If you want an example, take a look at the banner for this challenge.

You may mimic ads for popular products, as well (meaning that you do things in reverse and put an A:tLA image into an image from real life). The same limitations apply for this way, as well.

Limitations: The object you incorporate has to be electricity-powered. This means that phones are okay, but stuff like hair gel, makeup, etc. are not.

Submit all icons to this screened post in the following manner:

Name of the character you play
Draw: ## *
Using: Item you're using *
Buying: Item that you want (everyone currently has 5 gold) *
Selling: Item that you're selling *

* Fill these parts out only if they apply to you. So, if you're not selling anything, don't copy that line.

■ One icon per iconmaker.
■ Icons must fit LJ standards: 100x100 or smaller; 40kB or smaller.
■ Icons may not feature fanart, contain excessive vulgarity, use bases made by someone else, or be plagiarized. In addition to that, icons must be made fresh for the challenge.
■ Icons do not have to contain the character that you play. They can if you want to, though.
■ Do not advertise or use your icon until after the entire challenge has been concluded. This way, your identity remains anonymous.

Icons are due on Friday, August 24 at 7:00PM PST.

Have fun! And thanks fatalnocturne for providing the idea XD

- hl

book 2, submit, chapter 2

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