Mar 27, 2010 08:20
As you may have noticed, my posts have dropped off dramatically in the last few months. And while there are many reasons for this; ultimately, I am no longer inspired to keep this blog up to date. I will post here sporadically, as I am today, but not on my weekly or near weekly cycle that I was keeping up for the last two years.
My mind has been given over to other concerns in the past few months and it has felt, at times, like a roller coaster of really high highs and low lows. In March alone I have dealt with the death of a friend, the hospitalization (and placing into a nursing home) of my Grandmother, the diagnosis of my father with Parkinson's, an anxiety attack suffered by my husband, my own severe morning sickness, and a very sick friend. (If any of you have wondered why I have been hiding out for the last few weeks, that is why). And then, on the other hand, I am having a healthy and normal pregnancy, now 9 weeks along, which is bringing me significant joy. My brother and sister-in-law, who thought for some five years that they were unable to conceive, are also pregnant (about 6 weeks ahead of myself). I've been visiting with family, celebrating birthdays, making plans for my garden, enjoying the unseasonably warm spring and, with a majority of the morning sickness gone, I am starting to feel like my old self again.
I have started a new blog (, about a month old now, devoted solely to my thoughts and feelings surrounding my pregnancy. If you are curious, you are welcome to peruse it, though you are fairly warned that, like this blog, I write it only for myself and not the general public.