A Bit Injury Prone Much?

Dec 22, 2009 20:52

I have somehow become quite accident prone over the last few months. Nothing major, mind you, just simple burns (back of my left hand, middle finger right hand), splinters (right pinky), and the like but, oddly, all centered on my hands.

Today's injury du jour was a stab of my left middle finger. Luckily, I missed everything that could have done significant damage (tendons, arteries and the like) and only sustained a superficial wound that was closed by two stitches in urgent care this morning. Still, crazy stupid injury. This was made even crazier by the fact that I fainted (thwacking my head on the way down) in the process of the first stitch (I blame skipping breakfast combined with blood loss) and the power went out in the process of the second stitch (a live power line detached itself about a block away leaving 3,500 residents in Cap Hill without power). It was probably a very good thing that I didn't need a third stitch... who knows what other disaster might have transpired....

Luckily, the rest of my day continued without similar excitement - though it was a bummer when the numbing medicine wore off. Tylenol might be a good idea when I finally get home tonight.
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