Title: A Test To Take Fandom: Prince of Tennis Characters: Golden Pair Prompt: 001. Accomplished Word Count: 1049 Rating: PG-13 Warnings/Spoilers: None Summary: Eiji and Oishi have a talk at night about something very important...
Title: Not That Sick Fandom: Prince of Tennis Characters: Tezuka x Ryoma Prompt: 089. Sick Word Count: 414 Rating: PG-13 Warnings/Spoilers: None Summary: "Echizen I don't recommend that type of thing when you're sick."
Title: Necessity Fandom: Trigun Characters: Vash the Stampede Prompt: 026. Determined Word Count: 295 Rating: PG Warnings/Spoilers: None Summary: He had to remind himself that he didn't want any relationship to form between him and Meryl.
Title: Fidget Fandom: Prince of Tennis Characters: Tezuka x Ryoma Prompt: 097. Uncomfortable Word Count: 207 Rating: PG-13 Warnings/Spoilers: Nope Summary: It was the best night of Ryoma's life
Title: Spring Cleaning Fandom: Prince of Tennis Characters: Oishi x Eiji Prompt: 050. Hopeful Word Count: 1080 Rating: PG-13 Warnings/Spoilers: Uh... maybe a little OOC? Summary: Eiji's family turns out to be a family of pack rats.
Title: Somehow Fandom: Prince of Tennis Pairing: Tezuka/Ryoma Theme: 092. Surprised Rating: PG Spoilers: Only to episode like 36 Disclaimer: I don't own PoT
Hope you enjoy the fic Hikari!! It's my first ever PoT fic so I won't be surprised if there's some OOCness with some stuff they do, but be gentle!
Title: Silent Night Fandom: Trigun Characters: Vash the Stampede Prompt: 048. Guilty Word Count: 212 Rating: PG Warnings/Spoilers: Late episodes of Trigun, for the 5th book of Trigun Maximum Summary: Wolfwood.