So. I have my political beliefs, but after 2000 and 2004, for my own sanity I've been trying to avoid thinking too closely about the elections. I gave money, especially to No on Prop 8 (Obama losing will make me sad, but if Prop 8 passes it will make me homicidal), but until I opened my mail-in ballot this morning I hadn't really thought about all of this in-depth since the primary. And then, as I read
synecdochic's (really interesting)
prediction on when the election will be called, I found myself crying. The thought that this we could really get this. I just.
In 2004 I had just moved to California to start a grad degree. The 2000 election upset and frustrated me, sure. But the 2004 election, the 2004 election made me unbearably sad. There was just one modicum of comfort.
We're not living in Maoist China. This may seem obvious, but. That fall, I was taking a class about the period. After the election, every time I went to class, I thought: even after all this disaster, I am so grateful to be here, now, with my one vote, and with the right to deliberate and discuss and express all manner of opinion regarding it.
I'm going to go turn in my ballot now. If I'm lucky I'll make it out of the polling place before bursting into tears.
ETA: Oh. Oh, wow. I'm not sure I've this proud of one of my elected officials since Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota died. And certainly the first time I've felt this way about a Republican. Jerry Sanders, the mayor of San Diego (a Republican)
annoucing his support of gay marriage, explaining his decision not to veto the City Council's decision to support it. I realize this is old news, but I hadn't seen the footage until now. It really is a very affecting, heartfelt speech, and worth watching if you haven't.