May 06, 2010 18:32
So, I finished converting that chapter into an article draft and sent it off to Donka.
The pilot tests are giving me and Andy the results we want, and soon we will be able to write up a grant proposal.
There's a postdoc in Munich that I may apply for, for phylogenetics in historical comparative linguistics. I don't expect to get it, but I think if I gave myself a crash course in the methods of phylogenetics in the next week, if I have the time, it would be good for me to know this stuff for my own purposes. Christina's big specialty is phylogenetics, so she gave me an overview of maximum and weighted parsimony this morning, and I understood it. And she's reading an article on a more sophisticated method, and she said when she understands it she'll explain it to me. And the Baayen book has stuff on clustering methods for phylogenetics that I will go over again.
I bought a copy of the 1200-page A Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux an hour ago, because I've been having too much fun playing with my Ubuntu, and would like some guidance so I can play with it even more.
Iron Man 2 and Robin Hood are coming out. I'm going to try to get Mac to come see one or the other with me after he defends his prospectus in a week, and we can have lunch at the churrascaria in Culver City.