What I Learned From Reading Slash

Apr 09, 2009 19:40

I've been balancing the lack of bromance on Supernatural lately by reading lotsa slash. I'm not too picky. J2. Sam/Dean. Sam/Dean/J2. It's all gravy, really, as long as there's eventual hardcore sex. Snuggling and moments of deep emotional revelation are great, too, as long as it's in the manly men way of, well, manly men.

I've learned some stuff in this venture of mine. Neat stuff. Deep stuff. Heavy stuff. Stuff I can no longer really separate from reality. It makes my daily life a lot more surreal and rather kinky.

Puppy dog eyes are not only a patented way to get Jensen/Dean to hit his knees ( figuratively and literally ), but a necessary part of almost every story.

Jensen's lips are even more infamous than I previously thought. He gives a lot more fictional blowjobs than his counterpart.

Jared/Sam's eyes are brown. No, they're green. No! Dammit, they're hazel when they aren't blue. Dean's eyes are always green. Always.

Jared/Sam has gigantic hands to go with his giant penis. Jensen/Dean's eyelashes and bowed legs are worth noting, also.

Chad Michael Murray has cooties,  several std's, smells bad,  makes for a lovable oaf of a bff when needed, and just generally seems to fail at every aspect of life. I can't look at real!Chad the same way anymore.

Dean is a huge believer in letting Sam top because he's a giver. Sam is huge on being on bottom because he's a receiver. It's vaguely  karmic and seems to balance out quite nicely.

Porn!Jared is really hyper and loves to climb porn!Jensen in public. This is eerily similar to the actions of real!Jensen and real!Jared.

Porn!Jared seems to be the instigater of most firsttime!J2 sex.

Rimming sounds nasty when stated in sanitary terms, but can be disturbingly hot when it's not.

I look like a normal person when I'm sitting in meetings or buying groceries, but I have images of beautiful, naughty gay men dancing in my head.

spn, jensen's mouth is my kryptonite, rambling, jared is my tree to climb

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