They ate the Principal? That's gotta be a month of detention.

Apr 06, 2009 21:35

It gives me weird satisfaction when I see familiar, favorite actors in random tv shows.  I was watching Castle a week or two ago and Principal Flutie played some sorta police dude. Principal Flutie!!!  He was that goofy dork of a Principal that got eaten by hyena people on Buffy. *wibble* I liked him. Then!! This week it's Agent Hendrickson!!! ( is he wearing lipstick?) Yayer to the umptheenth degree.  I missed him, too. I always end up with Renegade by Styx in my head when I see him. ' Oh mama, I'm in fear for my life...' Oddly enough, I also saw the dude who played Jack the crazy zombie dude from that Zeppo episode with Zander in tonight's ep. Plus, Nathan Fillion makes me wanna be a space cowboy.  Or save a horse and ride one.

Anyway. I found all of these old detective novels for $.75 a piece at the local thrift store. They're pretty groovy and have cheesy covers. I grew up reading James Patterson and John Sandford novels, but these are different. There was no science and people had to suss up motives. Fingerprints run through a computer couldn't save the day. I should read Agatha Christie or something, but it's just sorta nice to have to think, pick up clues. I usta flippin' lurve those Choose Your Own Adventure books. Nancy Drew. She was so much cooler than me.

I think I'll bust out my old Buffy dvd's.  Watch Faith get her darkside on. Maybe skip Riley. Sometimes he's too vanilla for my mood. I have mixed feelings for Dawn. Last year on SPN I had Dawn fear that Sam wasn't a 'real' Winchester. Glad that isn't the case. Really, Sam acts a lot like his father.  Well, he's also acting a lot like his blood donor, too, so huh.

I'm not sure why I'm rambling.  I guess I'll say goodnight....

buffy, rambling

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