And we're back

Feb 09, 2008 13:32

So, I went to Aaron's today, and got a new Dell Inspiron Notebook. The first thing I did was to go and get the modem from the office, and set up the internet. Am I ever glad to have the internet back here at home again. I HATE going to the library to get online, especially when at the end of the hour I have to give up the computer to some stupid teenager who wants nothing more than to go online and play around watching music videos. Of course, I still have to get the desktop computer fixed, but at least once it is, Greg and I can both be online whenever we want from now on, and not have to wait until the other is done with the computer, as we will have two.
We're down to 7 days until we leave for the Melissa Moore clinic. I've got to get Devon and Heir working at their best before next weekend so they look good at the clinic. Hopefully Greg will get something from this. He never listens to me when I try to give him lessons with his pony. He's going to be getting help from Tom Lowry, the reknowned road pony trainer. We really need the help, too. I'm fine training a pleasure driving pony, but as I've never trained a road pony, having the advise of such an accomplished road pony trainer will be very beneficial.


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